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Ministers urged to ban single-use vapes amid rising popularity with UK children - The Guardian

Toby iVapour

Jul 12, 2012
Here -
Ministers urged to ban single-use vapes amid rising ...

There is dodgy evidence -
There is research showing that young people who vape are three times more likely to subsequently smoke than those who do not.

Also, Sunak is bringing his own kids into the argument -
Speaking to ITV’s This Morning on Thursday, Sunak said: “How can we strengthen the rules on how they are marketed, promoted – what do they look like? It looks like they are targeted at kids, which is ridiculous – I don’t want my kids seduced by any of these things.”

At least junior health minister Neil O’Brien pointed out -
In his speech introducing the call for evidence, O’Brien called vaping “effectively a double-edged sword”, saying that while there was a risk of children developing an addiction to nicotine, vaping was “substantially less harmful than smoking” and worked well to help people quit smoking, especially with extra support.
I can only sigh when I hear or read 'experts suggest' yet appear to not provide supporting evidence.

Meanwhile a loophole that allows free vape samples to be given to under 18s is to be closed, it also appears they can be sold to under 18s if they are nicotine free.

What exactly is a vaping expert?

The term 'expert' seems to be applied rather loosely these days and based on what many of them have to say doesn't support the use thereof. It's not much different to what some bloke down the pub has to say.
What exactly is a vaping expert?

As much as I dislike the government, I have seen pretty widespread coverage of this on many outlets, Reuters and Deutsche Welle f ex. Despite there being the usual tropes, it is actually spreading the truth that research has shown it is a radical reduction in harm compared to smoking, and it is an effective measure for quitting smoking. At this point, I may be clutching at straws, but I see this as mostly positive :D
Expert :-
a person who is very knowledgeable about or skilful in a particular area:
"an expert in healthcare" · "a financial expert"

having or involving a great deal of knowledge or skill in a particular area:
"he had received expert academic advice" · "I have a friend who is very expert at the language"

Definitely Not Me.
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