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MPs awarded £3,500 pay rise only months after shunning nurses

Except that that IS what happened
I’m know loads of labour voters who just didn’t like corbyn.


That is me.

Born and raised in a Yorkshire pit town, couldn't vote for Corbyn. To me it wasn't really about the man himself, it was those he surrounded himself with and his more "vocal" supporters. Even my mother, granddaughter of a Miner, couldn't vote Labour! The Red Wall fell.

They ran around calling anyone who disagreed with Corbyn and his posse a "Nazi", well people disagreed with that so why on earth would they vote for it?

I voted Conservative with the hope that it would lead to Corbyn being removed and Labour returning to its more reasonable, working class roots as opposed to the Champagne Socialists within the M25 it appeared to attract. Next election, provided they keep Starmer, I'll vote Labour again like I did in every election before the Corbyn years.
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If you dont like Corbyn there are other parties apart from Tory.
No excuse.

exactly this. why on earth would one not abstain before voting for the tories? maybe it’s a regional thing that voting tory at any time ever would be completely out of the question.
exactly this. why on earth would one not abstain before voting for the tories? maybe it’s a regional thing that voting tory at any time ever would be completely out of the question.
As I’ve stated before - I tend to vote for what I think the country needs at the time. This is normally labour - but not exclusively I don’t do football support mentality with politics.

The country didn’t need the identity politics driven mess that was the Labour Party at that point in time. And brexit needed sorting once and for all.
exactly this. why on earth would one not abstain before voting for the tories? maybe it’s a regional thing that voting tory at any time ever would be completely out of the question.

I think the US system has secretly been adopted here.
exactly this. why on earth would one not abstain before voting for the tories? maybe it’s a regional thing that voting tory at any time ever would be completely out of the question.

Prehaps, the people who abstained in 2017, knowing that Corbyn would lose, hoped that would spur on the desired resignation? When it didn't, what's the next option?

Well we saw, the worst Labour performance since before 2nd World War!

Sometimes walls have to come down to be rebuilt.
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As I’ve stated before - I tend to vote for what I think the country needs at the time. This is normally labour - but not exclusively I don’t do football support mentality with politics.

The country didn’t need the identity politics driven mess that was the Labour Party at that point in time. And brexit needed sorting once and for all.

They are still arguing about that.
They are still arguing about that.
negotiating with the EU - not at internal war trying to stop it / make it happen

that bits done, and it needed doing, one way or another.
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