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Mrs Lord - Asking for Reviews....


Feb 24, 2014

I've recently come across a brand of eliquid from Mrs Lord. The flavours and tastes are imo beautiful, but it's far from cheap and I was wondering if anyone else has any feedback on them.

I'm prepared to pay the price for such great liquids but it would good to know if they rank up there with the best - yes I know horse for course when it comes to flavours....


Oh yeah i have a real sweet tooth for flavours too!

Short answer, yes, Mrs. Lord's are known, and are widely considered to be up there with the best. I've found the Seville Marmalade is particularly marvellous.

(edit: oooh three hundred posts! :) how did that happen?)
...and just to balance this... I've tried their Gingernut, Kendal Mint Cake and Custard Cream and detested all three... I found that for my tastes they were bland and uninteresting and they all had an odd 'undertaste' that I really didn't like.

Personally, I think there are better options out there for your money to be honest.

Have you tried any of Kraken's? Now THOSE are good juices ;)
Druide and Custard Cream are two of my daily vapes.

Tried nearly all the range and rate them highly.
Strange huh, I love the marmalade but the custard cream? Urghh, its not at all to my taste. I'm letting it steep to see if that improves it.

Horses for courses indeed!
Again with the balance.. I'm not a fan of the Mrs Lords juices at all, although I know plenty are... I've tried gingernut, seville marmalade, custard cream and victoria sponge, the last two I enjoyed slightly more, but still not my cup of tea at all.. I definitely wouldn't recommend seville marmalade if you've got a sweet tooth, I found it quite bitter, although you may enjoy the victoria sponge. I agree with Liath about the odd taste, I can't quite put my finger on it though, the closest I can think as a description is cloves.
I adore Druide... It is still one of my treat juices even though I make and sell my own
i have Mrs Lords Sasparilla included in the giveaway im doing. Nice bottles do not make the juice and it ddnt do much for me .
flavours are hugely subjective though, alot of people rather about squid ink and ive had 3 bottles and as much as i wanted to like it ive found it to weak for me and not taste of much yet other liquids from mrKrakens ive found full of flavour and bang on.
Snake oil is another marmite juice love or hate . took me 2 or 3 bottles to like it and now its my fave juice but even that has off days if ive been vaping to much of it i start to lose taste so switch to something different.
only way to really know is to try whats out there really. Im sure theres a hundred juices if i tried id love but just cant afford to spend the money going through the thousands and thousands out there so now i make my own instead.
I have only tried Druids and Custard cream. The druid is quite nice although the wife and her son reckon they can smell curry whilst I am vaping it, there must be a spice of some sort in it. As for the custard cream, well I am a huge biscuit lover and tbh my expectations were let down slightly, custardy kind of, but biscuity? Needed to be a bit stronger imho.
i have Mrs Lords Sasparilla included in the giveaway im doing. Nice bottles do not make the juice and it ddnt do much for me .
flavours are hugely subjective though, alot of people rather about squid ink and ive had 3 bottles and as much as i wanted to like it ive found it to weak for me and not taste of much yet other liquids from mrKrakens ive found full of flavour and bang on.
Snake oil is another marmite juice love or hate . took me 2 or 3 bottles to like it and now its my fave juice but even that has off days if ive been vaping to much of it i start to lose taste so switch to something different.
only way to really know is to try whats out there really. Im sure theres a hundred juices if i tried id love but just cant afford to spend the money going through the thousands and thousands out there so now i make my own instead.

As I am a fan of Druide I gave Sarsparilla a whirl as a birthday pressie from my wife and was disappointed TBH. It was quite weak flavoured and almost a bit flat for my taste.
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