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Mrs Lord - Asking for Reviews....

What flavour is the Druid

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I have moved this out of the Reviews section since its not a review :P and down to the vendor discussion forum.
Thanks everyone, I've not tried the mixing my own side yet so not i might hold back on that.

As for the Krakens that sound like they might be worth an investigation.

Happy vaping!
I've tried a few of Mrs Lords juices,the Druide & Marmalade were awesome to my taste,the custard cream/kendal mint cake weren't.
Mrs lords Custard Cream and Seville Marmalade are nomable. If in doubt but the smallest 15ml bottles first. Other vendors to try in our opinion are: Steam Gunk, Kraken and Vaping King they all have nomable juices :D

Good luck and enjoy :)
Mrs Lord's Navy Cut is one of my all-day vapes (I love the coconut aftertaste) and adore their Custard Cream. The Seville Marmalade is a funny one. At times I think this is a lovely vape full of fresh zesty orange flavour, yet at other times all I get is a very bitter taste - go figure.
To me,Druide was just like vaping Pernod & Lemonade,so was the Afro-Diziac from T-Juice.
Loved the Druide but the custard cream was awful in my opinion, ginger nut wasn't too bad....all subjective I suppose.....Kraken, steamgunk and vaping king along with T juice are my faves if I am buying ready mades otherwise I mx my own.

Have yet to try Seville marmalade an its n my to do list as is snake oil.
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