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mrtattootoyou banned from POTV

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[10:42 PM] [PM to KulrMeStoopid] mrtattootoyou
I just sent you a forum PM: you're fucked at vapefest

mrtattootoyou said:
aww closing the thread are we afraid i'm going to put you in your place like the silly little cunt that you are lets put it like this im going to ask at vapefest hopefully if youre there where abouts you are and when i find you im gunna stick my fist down your throat bitch i promise you that now :might i add if you're not there i know some admins are guna be so they'll take your place

For making this threat against myself and other admins of POTV.
This makes the 3rd person in the history of POTV to be banned for anything aside from Spam.

If he thinks I am bothered then he's seriously mistaken me for someone who gives a fuck :P

I'm pretty sure if he even starts on you, the whole of vape fest will be on your side!
Well, ofc the EDL aren't agressive pricks eh? Even more so now i've read that lovely pm
Unfortunately the Internet is full of arseholes like that...

Sounds like a ban was well deserved!
I've made it 34 yrs without so much as a black eye from a fight and I am pretty confident I could hold my own against a man, especially one with such an insecurity issue that he has to threaten woman via the internet.
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