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MTL a sub ohm?! Have I just wasted my money

The kit they sold you is not for mouth to lung use, but you haven`t wasted your money just expanded your choice. You now own a device to try DTL using 0.3 or 0.6 % high VG juice. Like you, I want a good MTL kit and have tried a few but nothing hits the spot yet. I have ordered an Innokin Zenith tank today, which will bolt on to my mod. Will try that with a 2% salt nic 50/50 juice and see. good luck.
Sorry, a bit late to this. The S17 is within warranty, and it shouldn't leak. It may be you got a faulty device or something but we can get it replaced for you if that's the case. The warranty on the kit is 6 months, so whatever you decide to do, I'd suggest you contact our CS and get it replaced then it's there as back up at least.

In regards to using something like the Smok kit for MTL, you are not going to enjoy that, MTL is about chamber volume etc. and not just restricted airflow, if you restrict a full DL down, you'll not get enough airflow movement over the cover due to the large chamber, and the coil will in turn not be kept cool enough and it'll juts taste horrible, or at best not taste horrible, but produce little to no vapour.

If you email [email protected] CS will sort out a replacement for you, after checking a few things, it won't cost you anything.
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