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MTL - would appreciate an RDA recommendation

If I was you I’d avoid drippers with airflow from the bottom. You might as well just use a tank. Something with a small space inside and a hole in the side. Simple. Like the salix, or strike 18. Get both from fastech in fact, it will be less than £15.
Already had the strike in, just added the salix. Thanks Zou.
For a true pure MTL RDA......tight as a ducks arse....you need to look at nuts engineering on FB....the guy will make a pin hole size airflow if you like.....1.2mm is not uncommon...think he recently made a 1.0mm
@Rickster one of the inserts that comes with the salix is 0.8mm. And the draw is silent and smooth. It’s the closest thing you’ll experience to puffin a fag.
Mine’s never had an insert bigger than 1.2mm in it @Rickster . They’re no like the inserts you’re thinking about. It slots in a hole in the side next to the coil.
The Vandy Vape Berserker MTL RDA is really rather good on a squonker. So is the Vapefly Holic RDA.
I have the Salix from FT and it's the best MTL RDA I've tried, It beats the One RDA, the Spiral and Origen little which I also have.
I do like a very restricted DTL or loose MTL so I took the smallest insert and drilled it to 2mm and for me it's spot on and still the quietest RDA I've tried.
Also it's not easy to over squonk.
I have the Salix from FT and it's the best MTL RDA I've tried, It beats the One RDA, the Spiral and Origen little which I also have.
I do like a very restricted DTL or loose MTL so I took the smallest insert and drilled it to 2mm and for me it's spot on and still the quietest RDA I've tried.
Also it's not easy to over squonk.
Good recommendation. Cheers
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