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MTL - would appreciate an RDA recommendation

Cthulhu 1928 is my favourite MTL RDA. The Ammit is pretty damn good too. Both are virtually leak proof, no risk of over squonking, but more importantly have a very smooth airflow and great taste. But of course, that's all subjective.
+1 for the Salix - best MTL RDA I have tried, followed closely by the RDA that comes with the Vandy Vape Simple EX though I've not seen it sold separately.
Mine’s never had an insert bigger than 1.2mm in it @Rickster . They’re no like the inserts you’re thinking about. It slots in a hole in the side next to the coil.

Aye I know seen it......if you don't like it pop in another n do a lungie....still fkin cheating:D
The RDA that comes with the Vandyvape Simple EX is really good, but I don't think you can get it on it's own.
You can gte the whole kit for about £20 though, so it's probably worth it to have an extra mod too :)
@andyroo that looks like the one I’ve got. The smaller cap doesn’t affect how it performs, it’s just an aesthetic difference. I prefer the smaller one mostly because it’s lighter.
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