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My first ever coil build and dripping session went so well ...... I hate it.

After owning and hating about ten drippers Ive settled on three that I actually like.
For evenings and top drawer juice only.
Next on your shopping list has to be a squonker all of the dripping goodness less faffing.
Everyone likes what they like and thats fine, i always struggled with taste in tanks in as much that 'this thank taste like that' and thats about it. With a dripper (and rta's to a lesser extent) you can fine tune everything. When you get into it you even start thinking about what build is best for a particular juice. Bloody love it.
I'm not entirely clear how the Aromamizer RDTA works, is it like the Big Dripper where you press on the tank to re-drip the coils?
No, think of it as an RTA really, with a larger, 3 post deck that works like a dripper. The wicks pick up the juice coming up underneath. It works very well, very user-friendly.
Silly designation, am sure it has put people off. Steam Crave are releasing an(other) RTA soon, so maybe that will explain the logic behind it.
someone else has seen the light and been converted..... once you drip you never go back. wait til you try the derringer. oh yeah and the revolt (clouds and flavour). mix your own high vg juice and thats it. your gone, enjoy the ride.

Just ordered a Derringer clone from MyEPack! Great to hear what you've said about it. :)
Next on your shopping list has to be a squonker all of the dripping goodness less faffing.

Yeah, need to find out how these Squonkers work. I've seen there's a juice bottle in the mod, but apart from that, no idea how they work! :)
Yeah, need to find out how these Squonkers work. I've seen there's a juice bottle in the mod, but apart from that, no idea how they work! :)

The bottle in the mod has a tube connecting it to the HOLLOW 510 centre pin, You put on a Dripper that has a special HOLLOW centre post. Squeezing the bottle slightly pushes juice up the pipe, through the hollow 510 pin and through the hollow post on the dripper where it flows into the juice well of the dripper just as if you'd dripped from outside.

There are a fair number of "Bottom Feed" RDA's available, I'm using an Origen V3, I've also got a Velocity clone that came with a Sqounking pin (The sqounking bit comes from the sound made as the bottle sucks back the bit of juice at the holes in the centre post).
Nice! I only have one dripper, Manta v2 clone and we had a tough relationship to start with.. Recently put a 0.7 dual coil in it and it's great for those dregs in the bottle and tasting flavours.

My advice for a 'next step' that will give great results and won't break the bank is cotton bacon. I use muji and I get 4 - 5 good hits, I use cotton bacon and I loose count.
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