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My first order from Fast Tech

I've ordered quite a few bits from ft and I must say they are most excellent. The question is how many more orders will you now place whilst waiting for your first to be delivered lol
Lol, if I could figure out which Evod heads are any good, I would have placed another order. And if they would carry Aspire products I would place a regular order....

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Yay - the 2 that were supposed to have been ready next week now show "ready to ship", just one device still in the production line and should be made, cleaned, inspected (yeah right) and ready to ship Monday.... can only be weeks now...
I cancelled my nem order :( they couldn't get it or find a supplier ( so they told me) and wanted me to wait till they found one. Be fine if I wasn't away for few weeks soon lol. :'( no shiny nem for me!
Pmc81 had a split order with them but u need to ask them to do it :)
Oh no! Sorry to hear it...

I am checking my order daily.... it said 2 of the tanks were ready to ship since Saturday, the one that said "ready to ship 03/03/2014" is still sitting there.... it's 23:05h on the 3rd of March now.... they better hurry up :D

I don't actually need them any time soon.... but I hate waiting for things, lol.
3 weeks and counting for my MVP 2, was dispatched to overseas on the 23rd feb and has not been updated since

So yeah i wont be using again haha
Well one of the tanks has gone out of stock now... It will be a lovely xmas present when it arrives :D
Maybe I should order something every month, then I'd be set for all of next year ;)

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
ok just a few tips when you buy from slowpoke your shipping is free so why put 4 things in 1 pack 4 things = 4 packs that way as each is ready to ship it will be on its way.

another thing to watch is ship date that just means it will be ready to pack, it still has to go through the "waiting to pack" and the "packing" stage if you send everything you order in single packs and raise tickets for any that are not moving as fast as they should then all things being equal you will have a constant trickle of vape mail :thumbup:
I think I will just make one order per month. 2015 will be brilliant :D
2 items have been "ready to ship" since Saturday. One is now out of stock. According to the little "help" button next to it, that means my order will be split... We will see...

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Still waiting for my new dropper. I got an email with a picture of the parcel 3 weeks ago. I think it's gone on holiday now and due to arrive summer 2035. :)
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