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My first post EVER about quitting smoking :)

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[h=2]Forgive the spelling mistakes :) I was just happening through my notes and found this so I thought I would share!

Smoking? Thinking of quitting and don't know which route to go? Read Me.[/h]
Monday, January 30, 2012 at 5:30pm ·

I started smoking when I was 12 years old. I wasn't even out of elementary/primary school. But living down in the Souther United States, a 12 yr old smoking, wasn't something that seemed to bother too many people. Of course, my parents didn't know, I didn't have my own money, so the beginning of my smoking life was spent stealing cigs from my parents packs, my friends parents, getting all of mine and my friends change together to buy them out of the dispensers which used to be all over the place. And every once in awhile, I would life a 5$ bill from either my mom or dad and head down to the local shop and tell the clerk the cigs were for my parents, cross my heart and hope to die, please look at my lovely brown eyes. It worked every time.

Now by the time I hit middle school, I was smoking every day all day. I had no problems getting money thanks to an allowance. At that time you could rob a pack of cigs, every once in awhile,because they were NEVER behind the counter. Friends smoked and friends parents were more lax, handing over a cig if you asked, especially if you swore your mom or dad knew you smoked.

16 came and now I had a job, so my smoking habit increased. Not only that, my parents KNEW I smoked and even bought me my cigs occasionally, if I didn't have my own. I always said, yeah, I'll quit anytime. It's not that hard is it?

For the next 16 years, I quit hundreds of times. At least once a year. Sometimes once a week. I always went back. In my mid 20's I tried the patch and managed 3 months before I relapsed. I've tried the pills as well. Forget THAT! Gum? yeah I don't think so.

My lungs always ached in the mornings, even worse after a night out, and EVERY morning I would wheeze my way through the first daily cig. For what? to feed my addication to Nicotine and a now well built sub concious need for the motions of smoking.

Smoking was always there for me, when my friends and family weren't. I could light a cig to calm me down, to signify I enjoyed my meal, or to show I was relaxed during a conversation. My cigs were always there. Everywhere I went. If I happened on the off chance to forget them, I was at the nearest shop buying a pack.

More times than once, I would find nearly new packs of cigs fallen behind chairs or under the bed.

Anyways, in late 2010, A friend of mine started talking about vaping on an ecig. At first I was like WTF is she on about? Then she told me and offered me some very good advice. However, I was uneducated and bought crap versions of ecigs to start with. Probably over 100$ worth of crap. Through a lot of online research, I discovered the Joye510 was the best e-cig to start off with.

I ordered mine and loved it! I also then sidcovered Juicy Vapor. The guys over at JV were great and would send me samples since they knew I was a newbie.

Sadly, I only last a month. I was surrounded by smokers, and finally the urge to smoke cigs, took over. I started back up to my disappointment and it took nearly another year before I finally had enough.

I was sat here wit my husband and we decided we had to quit. The amount of money we were spending on cigs was nearly 10-12 pound a day ( in american money, youre look at about 15-20$ a day!) between the two of us. Eating away at our savings and making it so we couldn't save anything new!

Anyways, we spent 40 pound on a new joye510 through galaxy cigs and a bottle of juice because to no avail, I could NOT for the life of me find a Juicy Vapor reseller, so I had to risk quality juice in favor of quitting of smoking.
I found another juice supplier, called Grizzwolds and while their juice is OK, it was still sub par to Juicy Vapor, lacking the flavor I was in desperate need of.

I got in touch with Anthony over at JV in the US and he gave me a link to their only supplier here in the UK.

I ordered from switch2-ecigs.com and at first I was a bit apprehensive, emails weren't getting returned, but I placed an order anyways. I got it in less than 48 hours. Totally boosted my confidence as the JV juice we got, was truly JV.
Switch2 even quickly replaced a faulty cartomizer and threw in another type of cartomizer as a good will gesture.

So for the last 2 or 3 days, the owner of switch2 and I have been emailing back and forth, which assures me, he is a good person, who has a great intention and I want to be a part of that. I am excited.

It has been nearly a month and I have not had a real cig. This time, I wont go back.

My view on Grizwald's juice has since changed as the ones I have had were really really good. I attribute the lack of flavour I was looking for, to my taste buds being messed up :)
That was an interesting read, enjoyed that :)

I always swore that if I ever gave up smoking I would never nag or moan at another smoker about smoking, oh how wrong I was ! Nearly 4 years now for me, and I have turned into some kind of bible bashing loon when I meet smokers, usually outside a local music club. My latest rant usually finishes with ... "enjoy your chemotherapy" ... seems to work though, converted 3 to ecigs !
My story almost word for word. I'm 31 and started smoking at 11 also stealing cigs from my chainsmoking mum, who was also a drunk so she never noticed if I took the whole damn pack! Even if she did she'd have to beleive that she'd smoked them all because she was too drunk to remember lol
God that was a year ago almost now!

Haha To think back to how new vaping was to me and to see where it has taken me now is amazing.
Well, here's my story :P

I started smoking when I was 17yo. I saw a friend of mine that started smoking with a pack of cigarette in his pocket. I was disappointed and knew they were bad but that itched my curiosity. I thought how could a non-smoker one day pick up those fumingly vile things and be okay with it. So after a day of thinking it over, I bought a pack for my self! lol

We all know the first experience, dizziness and coughing but at the end I got the hang of inhaling it properly. After trying a couple, threw the whole pack to the bin. Although taste was horrendous, smoking was kind of enjoyable.

Didn't smoked again until I was with friends and I got offered one. Every one was smoking, so I smoked along with them. And I was smoking only when with friends. One day I bought my own pack, I didn't want scrounge on my friends for cigarettes and when I wanted to smoke I could smoke my own. As I was just starting it out. I was thinking, why every smoker keeps saying it's difficult to quit. I don't have the urge to smoke even though I smoke too, they must be lying, just because they enjoy smoking and to justify to the everyone around, saying it's hard to quit is easier than admitting enjoying cancer sticks.

I've visited my aunts at the end of that year and she and her husband were a heavy smoker and been for a long time. He was rolling his own while my aunt was smoking regular cigarettes. By this time I was having a smoke or two with friends or not. One day they asked me if I was smoking because I was eyeing them out when they smoked :P and they were ok with me smoking, so I was smoking their brand. I was smoking "light" before these were regular ones. and when I bought "light" version didn't work and that was the end of being able to quit and my whole belief of smokers not being able to quit changed.

Since then tried so many times to quit but was only able to do it last year, when I wanted to quit again but without patches or gums because they never worked. And after some Googling came across a website talking about e-cigs. As I searched for e-cigs specifically, came across of so much information that started to confuse me. Saw those ciga look a like they looked easy and uncomplicated. I wanted to try my local chemist if they have any I wanted to start sooner than later, and the chemist told funnily enough that he is ordered some and will be delivered later that day and I could go pick one up. I did and he told me let him know how I fare with it. If it really does help he would offer them to rest of his customers. A month later saw him again and he asked and I was happy to report I was smoke free for the first time for a very long time.

It's been a year since for me as well and that's how I was able to close the chapter of my life that was filled with fumes. :)

Vape ON! :57:
Grats on the year:yahoo:

I have given up twice in the last 7 years, once using Zyban which lasted for 2 months and then with Champix last summer that lasted for 3 months!

This thread reminds me of when I was about 11 about the same time I started smoking, we lived in a village out in the country surrounded by woodlands. Around the corner from us lived a woman who was known as fag ash Lill, every morning and afternoon she would dress up with her lipstick, long beige coat and brown handbag which she always carried like a shopping basket almost touching the ground....I'm sure the East Enders casting must have seen her and based Dot Cotton on her.
Fag ash Lill would walk for miles chain smoking on the roads around the woods, the summer holidays would be great for my friend and I every morning and afternoon we would race out into the countryside on our bike's looking for her.
Once we had spotted her we knew we would get our fix, after a few words of small talk we would get to the point "give us a fag Lill" to our surprise she would, one cig between us, off we would go into the woods puffing away. Sometimes she would give us one each unfortunatly we told other friends about her who would look out for her as we did this became too much for her and came up with the idea of carrying a packet of ten with only one ciggi in the pack, no way would she give her last one away :)

Anyway 3 whole days off the ciggies since I started vaping not missed them at all.
Same kinda story with me, started nicking fags off my parents at about 11 years old.
35 years later and I have COPD, asthama, bronchitis and I honestly believe that lung cancer was my future...
Gum, patches and champix all failed, 3 months was the longest I had ever lasted and the weight gain was a pain.
Ive known about e-cigs for years but was always skeptical, they cant be like analogues.....
Was at a Christmas market a few months ago and an e seller gave me a try with one.....Wow, it was almost a cigarette!
I still didnt bite the bullet and buy one as I like to research my purchases.
A month ago I was gifted an eGo with some CE4's and I havent looked back or had an analogue since, why didnt I begin this years ago!!!!!
Same kinda story with me, started nicking fags off my parents at about 11 years old.
35 years later and I have COPD, asthama, bronchitis and I honestly believe that lung cancer was my future...
Gum, patches and champix all failed, 3 months was the longest I had ever lasted and the weight gain was a pain.
Ive known about e-cigs for years but was always skeptical, they cant be like analogues.....
Was at a Christmas market a few months ago and an e seller gave me a try with one.....Wow, it was almost a cigarette!
I still didnt bite the bullet and buy one as I like to research my purchases.
A month ago I was gifted an eGo with some CE4's and I havent looked back or had an analogue since, why didnt I begin this years ago!!!!!

Stick with it bellyman, it only gets better & i'm sure that KMS would be pleased that her OP here is still helpful & relevant.
Stick with it bellyman, it only gets better & i'm sure that KMS would be pleased that her OP here is still helpful & relevant.

Aye, this post is still relevant, seems like lots of us have come from a similar background.

New vapemail arrived from Fastech today :2thumbsup:
Evod twist II with VV and a Kanger Prorank......Wooohooooo, what a difference!!!
I started young at 11 or 12 too. It was normal for kids to Smoke really, you could buy a single Number 6 and 2 matches from the shop opposite the School Gates!
I moved onto Roll Ups in my late teens and by the time I quit I was getting through 150g/6oz a week and still not feeling satisfied!!
I decided to quit, finish, no longer Smoke.
I went to a (Thankfully decent) Market Stall Vendor in Bristol, who has since opened at least 1 B&M Vapourgeneration. I was advised to get an MVP2 and a couple of iClear 30 Tanks. I THINK I paid £60 including 3 10ml juices. 2 weeks Smoking Money, and after buying several more juices realised I'd been Vaping 4 months for the price of 1 months Baccy. I was still having the occasional Fag for the first month, my Mrs. Smoked roll up's too so I just blagged hers. It then hit me that there were other Flavours than Tobacco that tasted great and once I had semi-decent kit and several different types of flavoursI was away. I used to swap flavours 6 or 7 times a day for a while, but now have 2 that are my ADV and a selection for Dripping Leisure.
I can't say Vaping stopped me Smoking, but it has given me the ability to Vape for 5 mins before I light a Fag.
I realised just before Xmas, that I hadn't even fancied a Fag for almost a Year, and hadn't Smoked for 18 months! Stopping Smoking isn't easy, but having made a decision to stop I feel Vapinghas helped me to maintain Not Smoking
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