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My first sub ohm coil...



I inadvertently built my first sub ohm... I normally never go below 1.2 ohms but wrap came out to .96 and I couldnt be asked fixing it.

I wrapped with .32 kanthal on a very small screw driver :) I forgot to count the wraps, but my Kayfunk is crackling and hissing like a pissed off mama cat on a friday night :D

Cloudddddddddddddddddddddddddds! My camera died just as I was taking pics of my coil and clounds :(
I did the exact same yesterday with my Omega. I had some .32mm Kanthal I hadn't used and thought I'd try it in a build and also using a 2.5mm drill bit. I done a 5 wrap micro coil for each coil and it turned into a 0.5 ohm build. I tried it and gosh it was mental. The taste was really nice, but to be honest the heat that came off it was intense, along with the storm clouds bellowing from my lips. I used it for 1 evening and decided to try again. Got a 0.8 ohm build now using the same as above but doing 9 wraps instead. A lot easier to handle and using the larger drill bit it wicks a beauty with cotton and still tastes great.

Heres a pic of it, smothered in the wonderful Mrs Lords Druide.


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That's just what I wanted to hear.

Sent from my HTC One SV using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Jeez that is gorgeous....
Make me one please!! Haha XD

Sent from my Prism II using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
I have just started trying out the sub-ohm world. First build was a 0.5 ohm a week ago and really great, nice vapour, just right - dual coil, 0.32 wire, 1.5mm diameter, dragon type build. Second build last night I thought I would try a 0.2ohm quad coil, got it to 0.192ohms, using 0.32 wire, quad 1mm coils, dragon build and purple efest batteries. I really do not see what the point is besides vapour clouds. Shot my lungs to pieces, not felt so bad since my smoking days and burnt my throat and nose (It felt as if hot black coffee was coming up through my nostrils when I coughed - I then read a few more air holes would be good to cool the vapour - a little bit late now). Wasn't even trying to inhale, just baby vapes, but must have kept my finger on for a fraction too long. Keep the clouds, I just want a pleasant vape now.


I redid my fogger the other night and just like KulrMeStoopid I normally go around 1.2 / 1.1 ohms but I did a build at 0.89 and thought oh well can't be arsed doing it again ! Loving the clouds

Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes
After reading this, I've decided to recoil my Kayfun into a dual coil set up... lets see what ohm it ends up at!
Did the same thing yesterday, then panicked about my Kayfun's insulators.
I did a parallel coil using 0.32mm that came out at 0.6ohms.
It needs more airflow though. There's not enough meat to drill out the Lite+, but a clone 3.1es......soon. :D

I fancy doing a parallel Kanger head using voodoo wool too.
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So... I've done it at last!



Ready for tomorrows juice delivery. MVP v2 is trying to tell me that it's 9.6 ohms... I don't think that's right or possible, gonna go order an ohms reader thingy now.
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