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My introduction to vaping and where next?


Aug 9, 2013
Dear all, loving the cigs but fearful for my health I brought a starter pack of an ego C Slim and clearomiser and some juices .

Wow it was good. But after a few weeks no vapour. So I got a couple of new cheap clearomisers off amazon and they worked for a few days then gave up. I tried cleaning them after watching a youtube vid but with no success.

Next I purchased a Evod Kanger and a Bauway CE8 stainle mesh clearomiser.

The Bauway was ok but the Evod leaked and despite trying to add an extra bit of silicon rubber to seal it ( you tube advice) still leaks

I am alo coming to the conclusion that my battery thing is just not powerful enough . I feel that I am in danger of sucking in juice not vapour.

What next before I get fed up?

Should I accept that clearomisers are throwaway items?

Should I get a more powerful battery thing?

A I have spent £40 this week on fags I am willing to spend a bit for a better vaping experience.

I welcome your advice.

Thanks Richard
Hi Richard and welcome to the forum, loads of advice will be incoming, so heres my 2 pence!

What next before I get fed up?
Your batteries sound find, it sounds like the clearos/cartomisers might be the issue. If your batteries do not change voltages, you should probably try to get some low OHM clearomisers/cartomisers. This will help improve the vapour production immensely.

Should I accept that clearomisers are throwaway items?
They most certainly are. Unless you are willing to move onto "rebuildables" where you make your own heating coils, then yep, chuck em out if they aren't working after a week or two.

Should I get a more powerful battery thing?
You most certainly can, but I suspect its just the ohms of the cartos that are making your vapour experience not so nice!

I have spent £40 this week on fags I am willing to spend a bit for a better vaping experience.

I spent a lot too at first when I first started over 18 months ago, I estimated though that I was spending on average, just under 17£ a week for a year (which I have seriously reduced further this year) but that all comes with experience and finding the kit that works for you.

Welcome to the Planet!

Oh My last bit of advice is this....DONT GIVE UP! It's not always bad and leaky cartos! I promise!
A couple of things I would like to add to this: -

1. eVods are awesome little bits of kit. I suspect that you have purchased a clone and not a genuine one.

2. Buying eCig items off of places like amazon imho is a no, no. There are several awesome vendors on here, that are vapers first, and businesses second, and they can advise better than any company off of amazon/ebay etc.

Get a couple of eVods, and 5 x 1.5-1.8 ohms heads, and you will have enough to last you for quite a while. The lower resistance heads on a standard battery produce lots more vapour, and personally I think a better taste.

Once you have bedded in, if shinyitis doesnt take control, learn how to rewick these, and it opens up yet another glorious world.

Agree totally with KMS, if your initial reaction was WOW, then continue through it, you WILL get there.

Have a look around this fine forum, ask any questions you like, and we will do everything we can to help a fellow vaper in need :)
Hi rich, I had the same sort of problems when I started out a few weeks ago. Got it all sorted from this fine place, with advice and searches. i'm ciggie free now for 7 days after weeks of slowly cutting down. Spent £40 ish this week on better gear. Proper batteries and now MT3's from a proper vendor as already stated. I found that plumbers PTFE thread seal tape is better for leaky seals. Which comes in 12m spools for just a few quid, (i'm tight and will only bin it if it's not repair able).
Much like you, I started on ego & CE4 and have recently made the switch to Evods (and other things). I've only good things to say about the Evod - it vapes well and is modest enough looking to take out in public without looking like you're walking around with something you picked up in Ann Summers.

Evods aren't disposable - as long as the tank's sound, you just replace the head or rewick/coil.

I did buy my first Evod from Ebay, but I avoided the cheapest and went for one advertised as genuine Kanger - I know that doesn't necessarily prove it is, but I knew I had recourse through Ebay should it prove to be a substandard clone. No problems with it so far. I also bought some 1.8ohm heads, and these vape well on an ego.

I've since bought 2 more Evods, a Protank and some small 1ml clearos (like tiny CE4s) specifically to go on my small 650mah battery for discrete/stealth vaping.

I'd give Evods another go, and pick up some low ohm spare heads.
Hi and welcome to the planet. I started vaping a couple of months ago after 35 years of stinkies, was getting through 50g of Golden Virginia every week. Not had any of the technical problems that you have encountered, so you may have been unlucky to get a couple of duff cartos. I have progressed to a Variable Voltage/Wattage mod, that does help to accentuate the flavour at different settings, I also mix my own juice and as' I think like yourself, am looking for a stronger and fuller flavour, then I simply add a slightly higher % of flavourant to the mix. I vape quite heavily and find that the cheap clearomisers will last at the most two weeks. The ones where you can change the heating element and wick do, in the long term, work out to be better value if you have the time for their maintenance. Have just started re-coiling and re-wicking my own, it is a little fiddly at first, but quite rewarding and all part of the vaping hobby, such as it is. Good luck with the vaping, hope you stay with it. I have not even so much as craved a ciggie since I started vaping.
Thanks for the advice every one . I will report back in due course. Thanks again

Dear all, loving the cigs but fearful for my health I brought a starter pack of an ego C Slim and clearomiser and some juices .

Wow it was good. But after a few weeks no vapour. So I got a couple of new cheap clearomisers off amazon and they worked for a few days then gave up. I tried cleaning them after watching a youtube vid but with no success.

congrats on moving towards vaping. It takes a while to find what setup suits you best but it's well worth it.

Clearos are disposable items, though some cleaos like evods or vision vivi novas let you just throw away the head bit (which is the part that weas out) and reuse the tank part over and over. Whats happening is that when you use an clearo juice gunk kind of builds up on the heating coil and after a while the heat from the coil doesn't get to the e-liquid enough so much much less vapour gets produced. At which point you need to clean the head properly or replace it. Replacement heads for vivi novas or evods can be had for about £2 a time. If you are the type of person that likes to fiddle with things then wrapping your own coils is realy easy to do and will cost you no more than a few pence each time. If you get a clearo like a CE4 that isn't rebuildable then when it wears out you need to throw it away and use a new one. how quckly they wear out depends on what type of e-liquid you use, what wattage the coil is getting, how long you drag on it, how well saturated the wicks are with e-liquid and lots of other things, but generally you shouold get 3-4 days of good use out of a coil before it starts getting the worse for wear.

Next I purchased a Evod Kanger and a Bauway CE8 stainle mesh clearomiser.

The Bauway was ok but the Evod leaked and despite trying to add an extra bit of silicon rubber to seal it ( you tube advice) still leaks

You might have just got a duff Evod. It sounds like you might have a cheap copy of an original kanger evod, but even if you do have a 'proper' evod sometimes you do get a rubbish one, not very often but it can happen.

I am alo coming to the conclusion that my battery thing is just not powerful enough . I feel that I am in danger of sucking in juice not vapour.

What next before I get fed up?

Should I accept that clearomisers are throwaway items?

Should I get a more powerful battery thing?

A I have spent £40 this week on fags I am willing to spend a bit for a better vaping experience.

I welcome your advice.

Thanks Richard

Are you batteries variable voltage ones or fixed voltage? Variable voltage eGos have a twisty thing at the bottom of the battery that allows you to increase/decrease the amount of power that is getting to the coil. If it's a fixed voltage battery then get hold of some 1.8ohm replacement heads for your evod, or some shiny new 1.8ohm clearo. A vision vivi nova 2ml kit is a good buy. In the kit you get 1 slim tank that will fit nicely onto the eGo battery and 3 heads. 1 head at 1.8ohms 1 head at 2.4ohms and 1 head at 2.8ohms. Then you can try out all 3 heads on teh same battery with the same e-liquid and see what you like the most. Most people tend to prefer vaping at about 7-8watts power. A fixed voltage battery with a 1.8ohm resistance coil gets you to about 7.6watts which is right in the sweet spot.

If you don't mind spending a bit of money on some vape gear then the best battery to go for atm to start with is probably the Vamo. You can get a Vamo kit for around £50 from a UK vendor (there are lots of good vendors here on POTV. The downside to this is it's quite a big device, but if you're ok with how big something like that is it's about the best next step. A VV/VW device lets you tune the vape you get from any clearo or atomiser by varying the power that gets to the coil and lets you get to your preferred power level easily no matter what resistance coil you are using.

Other good VV/VW kits will set you back £60-70 a SmokTech SID a Sigelei ZMax or an SVD are all good choices, similar prices, similar sizes, similar functionality. You can also get eGo VV kits, which if you like your e-cig slimmer will work just as well.

I'd recommend you get a variable voltage type of battery and maybe try a vision vivi nova (if you do get a vivi nova make sure you get a vision branded original one) as a good next step in vaping. Variable power makes a big difference. If you are going to spend a bit of cash then a ProTank (£15ish) is a really good quality clearomiser. You can also get mini protanks that will fit the diameter of an eGo battery better than it's big brother which are more designed for the wider battery mods (vamo ZMax etc)

Hope this helps and you find what you're after.


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