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My introduction to vaping and where next?

Thank you Vapour Caper for taking the time to post such a detailed reply. I will have a look at all the gear you suggest. Just what I need as it can be mind boggling making decisions when you do not know enough.

Keeping on vaping...

Thanks for all this advice a further question though.

Looking at some of the variable watage and voltage mods many are telescopic and accept different size or combinations of batteries.
Is it simply the case that more batteries mean a longer vaping time?

Could someone kindly give me a description of whow/why you would use different batteries or combinations?

Thanks all

lets say 18350 battery....its 35 (give or take ) millimetres in length, so I would pop one in when I go shopping etc...it makes my mod smaller, and more manageable. But my 18350 are only 850mah (these ones I have) so it wouldnt last me if I went on a weekend business trip or something, or even a long day sitting outside suntanning my balls.

When length/size doesnt matter, I can pop in an 18650 (65 millimetres long, and in my case 2200mah) and know I have enough battery life to run for a day or two without worrying about running out

its this simple...the mah dictates the runtime I am going to get before battery goes flat.
and bigger mah batteries take up more space, mostly. You wont get 2800mah 18350 batteries....but you can get that in 18650 size

That my mod can take both means I can take one mod with me shopping in small mode, and then really stuff in some longer runtime when chilling at home

Or I can run about in short mode, and have a spare dinky 18350 in my pocket and just swop them out should it happen to run out
If you imagine the battery as a sponge and the electricity as water, all things being equal the more sponge you have the more water you can hold. If you let the water out of the sponge at a controlled rate of flow, then the more water you have the longer it'll last.

Aside from that though there are other reasons to run 2 stacked 18350 batteries as opposed to an 18650.

The battery puts out 4.2v DC when charged at full capacity, and as the charge runs out that output slowly decreases to about 3.4v. It's easier to reduce power than it is to increase power. So 2 stacked together batteries will put out 8.4v at full charge going down to 6.8v. If we are using a 2ohm resistance coil and our vape is setup for 8watts we will need 4v output.

To get the 4v output the electronics in the device take the 4.2v and reduce it a bit or once it gets to 3.9v the electronics will increase the voltage from a single battery. However if you have stacked batteries The device only ever has to reduce the power. This gives the device an easier time of things so the batteries last longer. As well as giving a more consistent vape because of the way that boost circuitry works.

If you want to run a Genesis style atomiser on a VW device and are looking to pump in 10+ watts of power stacked 18350 batteries will give a much better vape than a single 18650 will because of the difference in voltage required to hit that many watts.

For safety reasons though you shouldn't stack batteries in unregulated (mechanical) devices. A regulated device has various safety features that stop it firing in the event of a short etc, a mech doesn't have those.
I wish you good luck my friend, although im sure you wont need it! I havent smoked an analogue since 25/03/13 when i first tried vaping. I previously had no intention of giving up the fags but like you i was amazed at the experience and immediately took it up. I too started on the small ego type batteries and ce4 clearos. The clearomisers were pretty crap to be honest and would work really well for a day or too and then fall of the cliff in vapour production terms. I had a fair amount of success with removing the cheap fibreglass wicks and replacing them with wicks made from cotton make up pads and dry burning the coil while the wick was out. This got a bit tedious after a while as i was vaping rather heavily and gunking the coils quickly. It wasnt long before I upgraded and taking advice from the kind peeps on this site i purchased a vamo v2 from china. I bought a nice nitecore charger direct along with a nitecore 3100mah 18650 and 2 CGR18650CH batteries. Now i only need to do charging once a week which is cool!. I also purchased a vivi nova stv which i cannot praise highly enough. The coils were a bit high resistance for my liking but they are very easy to recoil and you get three heads to play with. This lasted around a week between cleans and that is with vaping RY4 which is well known for gunking up coils quickly. I still use the stv for my menthol liquids but for my sweeter stuff I now have a Kanger Pro tank and again cannot speak highly enough of it. Now were talking around 10 days between cleans and thats only because the taste gets a little strange, vapour production is still really good. Its also really easy to rebuild and the build quality is awesome. It looks great on the vamo even if it is a bit large. Personally I am now looking to get a Smok Magneto as i prefer really low resistance coils but each to their own. Stick with it Pal, whatever you spend its not going to be as much as the fags in the long run and you cant put a price on health!

PS: I gave my old ego batteries away to my friend and they are still going strong, he even swears they are lasting longer and longer so I canny fault the little ego dudes!
My aga-t2+ is hitting to hard, I'm running 24mg of nic on a carto tank, and thats fine. but on my aga it's killer
Well I have taken the plunge:eeek:

1x Aluminium Drip Tip - red for £1.95 each
1x Kanger ProTank replacement base for £2.75 each
1x WizMix E-Liquid - Grape Escape - 10ml / 12mg for £3.95 each
1x WizMix E-Liquid - Nuclear Plusion - 10ml / 12mg for £3.95 each
1x WizMix E-Liquid - Caramel Kiss - 10ml / 12mg for £3.95 each
1x Vermillion River E-Liquid - Kentucky Applewood - 10ml / 15mg for £4.95 each
1x Kanthal A1 resistance wire, 1m - .2mm for £1.00 each
1x Baby Octopus Rebuildable Dripping Atomiser - blue for £9.95 each
1x Ekowool Silica Wick 1m - 1mm for £1.95 each
1x Ekowool Silica Wick 1m - 2mm for £1.95 each
1x Kanthal A1 resistance wire, 1m - .25mm for £1.00 each
1x ProTank replacement heads. - 2.5 / x1 for £1.95 each
1x ProTank replacement heads. - 1.5 / x1 for £1.95 each
1x Chrome VAMO - standard 18350 / ProTank for £59.95 each

20% new customer discount so £80 = 10 packets of B and H .

You can now expect many more posts from me about re wicking and stuff.

Cheers all.:noob:

With the Evod thing....the biggest problem with using these on something like an ego battery is as mentioned above...using too high an Ohm coil. It takes longer to heat the coil in a 2.8 atty coil than it does on a 1.8Ohm one. If you take a big draw before the coil is hot enough it will draw the juice from the tank and flood the coil (which then cools the coil and makes maters worse). You can still get by using a high Ohm atty..just try firing the battery for a second or two before drawing, this will heat the coil and reduce flooding. Even copy Evods work well, the mecanics of all atomizers are simple..you just have to understand some of them to get the best from them.
Richard... with the Vamo, I recomend you use the Watts setting but set it to RMS !!!!!! very important!
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