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My new iGo-L....where did that flavour go?


Feb 28, 2013
Hi folks,

Well,having been vaping a little while now,I popped out for some more e-juice and came home with an iGo-L dripping atomiser! That REALLY IS the end of the spending for a bit! ;-)

Now,I tried the vendor's iGo-L out in the shop and it was great. Not sure which mod the vendor was using,but he had Grant's Vanilla Custard on the go,so it would have tasted divine in anything right?

Anyway,I built up the coil using the wick and wire included with the atomiser and performed a resistance test. Way too high at first at 3.14 ohms. No heat,no action. So,off comes a turn and a bit bringing it down to five turns and a quick check to ensure nothing's making contact where it shouldn't be. All looked good. I retested and got a nice resistance reading of bang on 2.20 ohms,which is exactly what I wanted to get. My batteries are 3.7v 650mAh eGos. Shouldn't be an issue,but I appreciate the increased current draw between the 2.4 ohm CE5 coil at 1.5A to the 2.20 built coil at 1.68 is going to cook the e-juice slightly more and drain the batteries a bit faster. No problem,that's fixable with higher capacity batteries.

So,I'm all tested up and comfortably in the zone according to the safe vaping chart on the POTV wiki. I dry burn it for about four seconds and it's glowing slightly more towards the positive post post side than the negative which is to be expected really. I smother it in juice,let it soak in and fire it up with the cover and tip off. Crackle! Pop! Lovely satisfying sounds and a lot of vapour ;-) Now that's the whole point of this baby,isn't it? Happy days so far. The coil isn't glowing nearly as much as my CE5 atomiser coil was,but that doesn't necessarily mean anything because it's clearly a different wire gauge than in the CE5.

On goes the cover with the air intake hole in the right position, nearest to the coil. Time for a taste. I get S***LOADS of vapour,but where the flamin' hell's the flavour gone to? (Hangsen Virginia 18mg). All I'm getting is a metallic taste. No burnt taste though,which is encouraging.

Do these iGo-Ls need to bed in a bit with use and shed some of their metallic tase? Am I tasting the wick/coil or the bowl? I did wash the black manufacturing gunky residue out of the stainless drip tip,but didn't wash out the atomiser bowl itself. Have I gone wrong somewhere? I was expecting a taste extravaganza and got something about as exciting as a pot noodle or an upturned biscuit tin lid full of indoor fireworks. Perhaps some e-juices just taste better at a slightly lower wattage?

Any feedback from you vapers out there would be gratefully received,as usual ;-)


It might be the flavour of the coil itself. Did you burn off the wire before you coiled it? I don't usually do it and the first few hits have a nasty metallic taste before its broken in.
Yep the burning of the wire before wicking certainly killed the metallic taste for me. I always when I get a new atty/dripper wash the whole thing in warm mild soap water and rinse that maybe why you are getting the taste, also it does take a short time for the coil to settle in.

Simon aka Cobra3164
I borrowed my mates and put a hybrid wick in, silica with stainless mesh around the coil end. Tasted a lot better than just the silica

Hi Purplefowler. Yes, I torched the wire beforehand to make it less springy so it would be easier (Notice I didn't say 'easy!) to work with,burn off the coating and soot it up a bit,but perhaps not enough.

It's probably worth taking the advice from jrob3rts too.

Thanks guys ;-)
Ahhhh.....coil has decided to sort its act out. Tasty columns of vapour abound and all is well. Very deceptive atomiser. Feels like it's not building up a lot of vapour because of the effortless draw then bang! Wrong. Room fills up with the stuff. Good twelve quid buy ;-) Only criticism is the poor amount of wick and wire to get you going. Still,all good fun.
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That would be down to the coil being flooded and no juice inside the wick yet :) Glad you got it going now!
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