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Need a bit of help if possible....

@KurlMeStoopid, you might be right. I've given it a couple more days and it seems to be behaving itself so far. I'm keeping it topped up all the time, and cleaned out regularly and it seems to be going ok so far. I've ordered an Evod which should be arriving in the vapemail very soon so i'll see what that's like. Tbh, i don't even know if i'm 'doing' it right, if thats the right word. I'll explain: when i was a smoker, when i took a drag of the cig i always took the smoke right in and inhaled it, now on a lot of the vids i've seen on youtube etc, it looks as if the people who are 'vaping' just seem to drag on the ecig and then blow the vapour straight back out again without inhaling it, which makes it look like there's plumes of vapour coming out, but the way i do it not much vapour comes out because i inhale it and this frustrates me because i think its not working right because there's not much vapour production, if you know what i mean? Is there a right or wrong way to 'vape'?
Hi Yoda1970

I am also a new boy so its a new thing to learn on your vaping journey :)

You dont pull the same way as when you smoked. When you smoked a quick pull on the ciggies straight back into your lungs and out..job done. When you vape you slooooowwwlllily pull the vapour into your mouth ( if you are vaping a sweet juice you can taste the juice on the tounge if you are pulling at the right speed), then leave a second or two in the mouth then inhale into your lungs, this gives you the second taste, then exhale and if its juice with lots of flavours you can get a third taste :).

Get the max flavours from your juices some can be very interesting :)

My new method is a couple of slow pulls into the mouth and exhale through the nose this for me adds to the taste and creates a shed load of vapour, then a third pull into the mouth,hold, inhale slowly and out, works for me. You will find if you use a higher VG juice it may make you cough as the vapour is thicker and the old lungs are not used to it as ciggie smoke is less dense. But persevere as its worth it for the extra flavours :)

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Cheers for that Steve, at least now i know a little better where i'm going wrong. You see when i was sort of "pushed" into vaping by my other half, all i wanted was to carry on with the same taste and experience as the roll ups that i've always used. So i've been looking everywhere for a juice that tastes the same as the tobacco i used to smoke but am yet to come across such a flavour unfortunately. But then i see on all the forums and on vids on youtube and i hear all over the place that i shouldn't be bothering with tobacco flavours at all now, i should be experimenting with all the other flavours that are out there. But for some reason i just can't seem to get excited about all these exotic flavours, to me, if i'm gonna do something that's mimicking smoking then i want it to be as much like smoking as possible. I dunno, maybe i'm just weird. :)
Same applies for Tobacco flavours especially the good ones :) I dont normally smoke Tobacco flavours but I do like a cigar flavour my fav is a Cherry cigar but this is only on an odd occasion when this hits the spot. So you can get all the flavours on inhale exhale etc try it you will be surprised it all about savouring the moment ( bit like a flake advert :) ). I was also a 40 yr "Old Holbun" rollie man so I know what you mean but try a few other flavours you may get moved to something else. If not what does it matter at least you are off the ciggies :) keep searching for "the" tobacco flavour its out there somewhere unfortunately nobody can tell you as we all taste in different ways so whats good for me you may hate.

Happy hunting
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