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Need help plz going through heads too fast


Aug 23, 2013
Hi, wonder if you guys can shed any light please.

ive been vaping for about 3 months now. Started with a tornado c twist and now using a evic. Tank wise I am using kanger pro tank 1 and 2 and viva Novas. The problem I'm getting with all my tanks is that first time I'm getting loads of smoke and taste. I set the wattage what the evic recommends and it vapes awesome. Then after about 3 days I start to get a horrible burning taste to the point where infant taste the juice.

am I burning out my coils ?
i don't know what to do.

also should I replace my coils or rebuild them?

many thanks
You should be setting the wattage at what you want - with a Protank something around 8 or 9 watts is what I use. You might get a burnt taste from the wicks in the heads becoming clogged with thick juice or general goo, try looking up how to clean Protank coils on you tube for the details, you should be able to figure if its dry hits by taking a few hits without firing the coil, waiting a minute then trying a proper hit - if the burnt taste goes away (assuming you havent destroyed the wick) was the head under a tap then take the cap off the coil, and remove one of the two flavour wicks that sit on top of the coil. I seem to be getting this more with the 1.8 coils the 2.6 only suffer with very thick juice...
I'm sorry. I'm a noob and don't know what your talking about.
shaqs77, There's a trade off between, how high you have the power setting, how much vape you get and how long your coils last before cleaning or replacing is needed.
With the higher power settings your coil (of any size), will vaporize the juice faster. So with that said, a high setting will cause residue to build up faster, and the wick around the coil may not be able to keep up. (also causing burning). Lowering the power to a level that is acceptable will ease the problem, but you cannot stop it. As it's part of the process. When you do start to get the burning, loss of flavor etc., it's time to clean, or recoil.
There is a thread in the who to's on cleaning, (I think). here is the thread for recoiling.
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