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Need help!!


Nov 24, 2013
Hi guys. Been vapeing for a couple of weeks now. Got an ego twist and kanger t3s? Cleromizer. I've got a lavatube on order and want to get a pro tank cleromizer but don't want to be making coils and stuff. What's the best protank to go for where I can just change the atomizer thingy. I don't want to re wick as that just sounds confusing!

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Thanks Gill. What's the best place to get one from and are they better?

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
levellers I'm using both the Protank II and the Protank II mini just now (I have three of each so I don't have to clean anything when I want to switch flavours) and I use the standard heads on all of them. From what I've heard they do get noticeably better if you start re-wicking or rebuilding them yourself, but I haven't gone down that route and I still find both models brilliant. Flavour and vapour production are both great, and you can buy replacement heads in 1.5, 1.8, 2.2 or 2.5ohm resistances so they're pretty adaptable to a variety of users. From what I remember, the Protank IIs each came with a 1.8ohm and a 2.5ohm head, and the PT2 minis each came with a 1.8, a 2.2 and a 2.5.

The way I see it, if I ever want to start rebuilding coils in the future then I know there's loads of tutorials and information out there, but for now I'm more than happy just to use the heads as they come.
Thanks Gill. What's the best place to get one from and are they better?

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Most good vendors have them in stock but at the moment you can get the PT2 and mini PT2, which use the same replacement heads, in Vape Geek's store at a good price here Also myepack have them too here
There is a PT3 but it has different heads as they are BDC, bottom dual coil

I have all versions of the Protank and I like them :) but I did end up making the coils myself after a while, maybe you will too eventually :D
Am I right in thinking that the lower the ohm the higher voltage you use?

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Thanks for all the great info btw.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
I got two protank 2s from Myepack last week at £11.99 each I haven't seen them cheaper in the U.K!!!
I've just ordered one. Hope its good.

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