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Need some advice


Feb 19, 2014
Been vaping for about 2 years now BUT only used tanks with stock coils, never got in to rebuilding properly. Wanted to start dripping and building my own coils at around 1/0.9/0.8ohms to start off, maybe stick to 1ohm to 0.9ohm builds for a while till I get in to the swing of things.
So to start off I have had a sigelei mini 30watt box mod for around a week after having a vamo v5 all the rest of the time. I'm due some fresh battery's so decided on efest 30amp 18650s (the purple ones) as I've read these are reliable when sub ohming. I've got on flebay and found these too that I know i will need
So my question is probably going to sound daft but we all need to start somewhere. So how do you know how to get the ohms you're looking for? Say for example I've got 26gauge kanthal and wanting to make a single or dual micro coil build that will come out at 0.9ohms to use on my 30watt mod with the 30amp efest 18650 battery. Is it how many wraps I do or is it something I'm missing? I know most things I've looked at say stick to around 6-8 wraps but is there something else?
Any help and advice to help me get in to sub ohming will be greatly appreciated
Been vaping for about 2 years now BUT only used tanks with stock coils, never got in to rebuilding properly. Wanted to start dripping and building my own coils at around 1/0.9/0.8ohms to start off, maybe stick to 1ohm to 0.9ohm builds for a while till I get in to the swing of things.
So to start off I have had a sigelei mini 30watt box mod for around a week after having a vamo v5 all the rest of the time. I'm due some fresh battery's so decided on efest 30amp 18650s (the purple ones) as I've read these are reliable when sub ohming. I've got on flebay and found these too that I know i will need
View attachment 47568
So my question is probably going to sound daft but we all need to start somewhere. So how do you know how to get the ohms you're looking for? Say for example I've got 26gauge kanthal and wanting to make a single or dual micro coil build that will come out at 0.9ohms to use on my 30watt mod with the 30amp efest 18650 battery. Is it how many wraps I do or is it something I'm missing? I know most things I've looked at say stick to around 6-8 wraps but is there something else?
Any help and advice to help me get in to sub ohming will be greatly appreciated

ignore. Didn't read your post correctly.
Good choice on the batteries though.
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