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New and Fangled isn't always best..

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I pulled out some 18 mg coffee liquid, my old vamo and a Protank II , fired it up at 11 watts . My cravings have nearly totally gone. Yes I've had 3 ciggies today (two with my wake up coffee and one after my dinner). But I see it as a back to basic's winning battle.

All the new fangled *state of the art* stuff is off to the side. I'm with 18mg Nicotine, a 2 year old Vamo and a Protank II at 1.3 ohms (meh you sub-ohmers!)

I guess my point is that you don't need to get into the hype (and cost) of all the new uber-duber tanks, batteries,mods, liquids etc. Sometimes the simplest things that started helping us get off cigarettes is what you need to get you moving in the right direction.

PS: I just ordered the black and white versions of the SuBox. Will someone please take my credit card?!?!?!?!?

I totally agree that the most important thing when it comes to getting off the fags is to get your nicotine levels right and finding kit that delivers that nicotine in an enjoyable way, a year or so ago many vapers including myself were succesfully giving up the fags with the PT2 (minis in my case) it was one of the main tanks recomended to new vapers because it did the job.It did the job then and it can do the job now if you get the nic level right.

I only moved on to other kit because buying kanthal was cheaper than buying coil heads so that lead me to drippers and mechs.I have pretty much avoided all the fashion trends since then.I have found what works for me and am not looking for anything else.To me it is primarily a nicotine delivery system and if it aint broke don't fix it.

Some people want to follow all the vaping trends and try every significant new development and that is fair enough for those that want to do that.There is a problem that there is not a one size fits all solution when it comes to what kit will work for different people, so it can take a bit of trial and error to find kit that suits.

You will probably find on the forum people who have settled on every type of popular setup that ever was.Mostly you do not notice them because they do not have to post questions about their kit, but they come out of the woodwork now and again if someone mentions their favourite atty or mod.This can lead to the impression on the forum that everyone is using the latest kit.

You mention the hype over the latest trends.
People give up recommending older kit as it becomes pointless because of several reasons.
Take my thing for example, drippers when I was researching which were the best the tobh and the origen would be recommended anytime someone asked what was the best, now the answer is derringer and the mutation x. At one time I answered the question about drippers with "I like the Tobh" now I answer " most people recomend the Derringer or the mutation" because the same questions come up time and again and the solutions reached become the same.
There will always be people talking about the new kit, so when you are researching you go with the names you see the most thinking that is the best, regular forum posters get to know how these threads go so give that advice because it is more helpful than recommending their personal favourite kit.

I am sure there are many people out there whose favourite atty is the protank or similar but they are unlikely to persuade many new vapers it is a good idea because their voice will be swamped by sub tank fans.

If you have reached a point where you are going to decide for yourself what is best for you rather than listen to the crowd then that is great.

High nic in a protank has to be a healthier option than low nic in a sub tank.
I have to agree.

There is only one other point to factor in. For some it isn't all about just the nic, it's partly the form factor, design, pairing & asthetics & there are artistic concepts too.
@oldhippydude i think you're on the money, really & i also go in for an enjoyable consistent vape too, what i deem sensible. I won't wrap a coil unless i need one & i don't feel inclined towards a multitude of gear or the new thing of the week but there are some things i just like the look of & if the price is acceptable to me i'll go for it. That said, it still has to provide a good vape first & foremost & i'm really talking about a piece here & there. So far it's worked quite well for me & a few extra pounds on one good atty or mod have proven to save me more in the long term which again, is gear outside of the commercial fashion circles.

I'll admit i let myself get suckered here & there. :D Einstein's theory of insanity keeps revisiting me.

There are plenty of people enjoying the new trends in vape gear & people who just want to try out different stuff as a passtime & i think it's all good so long as we follow our own path & not get swept along by any pier pressure.
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Threads like this get derailed because, well, stating the obvious can be a bit boring on a Friday night. I liked zomby 's post, we all get a bit drunk and maudling from time to time and no one is more honest than a drunk. Alright, maybe not a confused drunk. ;)

I quit the fags using cigalikes, so I don't need convincing. There are all types of vapers here and all kinds of motivations for being here. Getting off the fags is nowhere near my motivation for posting on POTV ... there's much more fun to be had amongst the dull stuff.

I always smile at the old hippy who's happy with his set up and quietly yet sagely dismisses other vapers as mere fashion victims, their motivation as nought but trend following. We all have our firmly held opinions and they're no more valuable than anyone else's. But he's happy, that's the main thing.
zomby - if you're frustrated because you're duel fuelling and lacking a bit of will power, then I suggest you make vaping more fun than smoking. Do whatever makes you happy because it's just so much more fun when you're happy. :) If your thread gets derailed, take a chill pill, that's other people being happy. :)
To be fair scrumpox i don't think our hippy comrade is attaking it so much, more trying to offer a different view so that newer vapers can hear other sides of our activity. There's a very good point in what he's saying because as per the op here, a lot of cash can be spent for not very much to show for it. I did it myself for a period until i found my own grounding. No regrets as such because i gave up the smokes & the gear i went through kept me occupied along the way, in that sense it is clearly money well spent but there still remains the point that the next new fandangled mod or atty will not necessarily brighten up anyones day with a dazzling new vape experience. In that context our money is better off in our pockets because it can be a fruitless episode. Better to do some downtime revision & aim for a device or two that will really suit the individual.

Going back to my previous post though, i don't take issue with anything that any individual wishes to do vapewise or otherwise . I do like to read the other side of the coin though. We have a diverse community who are all entitled to their own preferences but if one person in 10 says something different then i want to hear it. Like 3dj who dislikes the derringer & had the balls to say so & give reasons.....Or me , the self declared 'Kangist' ;) I don't declare to be right but like everyone else i have my stance, which incidently only extends as far as my own shopping preferences...I wants me moneys werth like ! :)
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