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New Flavour Petition: Do not restrict vape flavours

Done but it doesn't say which Flavours would be restricted. I use mainly Manabush Tobacco based Liquids.
There has been talk in Parliament that they could be restricted to just tobacco, mint & menthol flavours.

However, in theory, those restrictions could be worse than they look if you take the example of the Netherlands, where they have banned all flavours except tobacco, but regulation caps the total number of possible additives used to flavour vape liquids – regardless of whether they contain nicotine or not – to 16 specific chemicals or compounds.

The final rule was published Nov. 28 [2022] in the official government gazette Staatscourant, and includes a list of 16 allowed e-liquid ingredients. The government says that 25 percent of existing tobacco-flavored vape products can be made with the allowed substances.
But manufacturers disagree, saying the limited list of allowed ingredients would make developing new flavors impossible—including tobacco flavors.

"We were able to taste the first [e-liquids made with the allowed flavorings],” said Emil 't Hart, chairman of vaping trade association Esigbond. “That is a very weak copy of what a tobacco flavor should be. Essential parts are missing to get the taste right. With this, the Secretary of State goes much further than just a taste ban, because no tobacco can be made with these ingredients."
Some Dutch Government clap trap...

The e-cigarette has been marketed by manufacturers as a less harmful alternative to smoking tobacco
cigarettes. It is not known exactly how much less harmful the e-cigarette is. According to the available
scientific literature, the e-cigarette only seems to be less harmful than a tobacco cigarette if users switch
completely to vaping. In the Netherlands, however, 72% of e-cigarette users had not switched completely in
2018. These are so-called 'dual users' who use tobacco cigarettes in addition to e-cigarettes. This provides
little or no health benefits and there are even indications that dual use could possibly be more harmful than
using only tobacco cigarettes or e-cigarettes.10
The list, from


Also to add -
Emil ‘t Hart, chairman of the trade association for independent sellers of electronic cigarettes, told the newspaper that most regulated tobacco and specialty stores comply with the law. “But it is available in some souvenir shops,” he said. “There are also sellers who offer the products from home. Just send a text and you can come pick it up.”

According to him, the ban has only increased the illegal trade. “Young people order everything online. Moreover, there are foreign websites that focus on the Dutch market. It is like mopping with the tap open.”
The NVWA also said that most companies comply with the rules. “And otherwise we will take action.” The regulator checks shops, but currently focuses most of its monitoring efforts on producers, importers, and distributors. “That is where we can have the most impact the fastest, by ensuring that no flavored vapes end up in stores,” a spokesperson said.
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