Yeah its my list, and yes it took some time and effort to compile that infos and trying all those coils to have a veredict.

. But I like it, it was taken as another hobby... su pretty much a pleasure for me.
Compatible TFV8 BB/NRG/SKRR... (baby coils from now on) tanks have been evolved just a bit. The main magic on those its not the tank, but the coil you put inside. Unlike the tanks, coils have been evolved and improved a lot the last 3 years. Specially the mesh ones and the wicking materials.
I find the baby coil format pretty succesfull and enjoyable. Since you can choose around a dozen of superb coilheads, with its differences for vaping, the availability, the price,... its all good.
Another succesful compatibilities are the one or the "Falcons" and of course the "Mesh Pro".
So. As the Armor and WS coilheads series are discontinued (and I dont know any other crossed compatibility), yeah maybe its time for retirement. If you like your RX75 mod, just keep it and couple it with a new 22mm tank, I like the Fireluke 22 and the GTX22 ones. Already recommended by mates.
...or you can just go for a whole new dual battery mod that takes >22mm tanks and choose a new tank for your preference.
Are you looking for big clouds and powerful flavour or something more discrete but with still good flavour? Salts or freebase liquid?