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I stopped raking a while ago. I just cut to an angle and snip a bit so only a little goes down but not too deep. I'm hoping it'll be the same. Works on every mesh tank I've got. Watch me have a dicky fit when it doesn't work
I was doing mine exactly like you do & did the first time on the X a few toots later muted flavour @nwhornet will explain once you get hang of it though its good.
Just found this on reddit...

There's something really off about this tank.

The base/deck doesn't dissipate heat well, leading to my mod hitting high temp protection after some pulls. No other tank I have does this.

The clamps for mesh won't hold my vandy vape ss316 mesh, as it's too thin and pulls up while wicking cotton.

Flavour is sub par. (Especially if I can't get it to hold the ss316 vandy vape mesh as that gives me the best flavour with mesh atm)

The top cap is more like a 1/8th of a turn. Not a quarter. feels like it will undo itself as it doesn't feel tight. This also leads to the top cap unscrewing when you are taking off the base to rewick. Will lead to leaking if you have juice in the tank still.

The actual material of the tank/metal feels cheap and light. In comparison to the Kylin m pro, it feels really cheap. The Kylin is solid and has some weight to it.

Feel like I'm going to bench it after a day, seriously disappointed with it so far.

Will try it in dual and single coil tomorrow and see how it goes
Hmmm strange as I've had none of those issues & far as I'm aware neither has @nwhornet plus I'm on the wotofo official group on arse book & not seen the above mentioned anywhere [emoji848]
I was doing mine exactly like you do & did the first time on the X a few toots later muted flavour @nwhornet will explain once you get hang of it though its good.
Well I'll rake it and second build I'll do it my way and see the difference. Thank you
Hmmm strange as I've had none of those issues & far as I'm aware neither has @nwhornet plus I'm on the wotofo official group on arse book & not seen the above mentioned anywhere [emoji848]
That is good then
Put mine away as it's frustrating the hell out of me. Everything points to it being a good vape, good airflow if you want it open, proven deck. On inspection cotton is soaked but it always feels about to dry hit, like it can't keep up wicking. Added an extra spring to keep cotton in contact with mesh, no difference. Had similar issues with the Profile M & Kylin M so maybe top airflow doesn't suit me. When I can be bothered I'll try coils, single 3-3.5mm should keep up with wicking.
As has been commented no reviews have surfaced yet, even Joel Robinson has been quiet although I know he's had personal stuff & he's more involved with Orca.
I'm on the wotofo official group on arse book & not seen the above mentioned anywhere [emoji848]

just joined the group, seems quite a few are having issues with getting the wicking right, having said that some of the photos of the wicking attempts look perverted :hmm:
I have always had problems when feeding cotton through mesh. I use a thicker amount of cotton and swish it in the center, open 1 side and pull mesh down over it while pushing cotton in and pulling mesh over. When saturated, I see how much cotton I can stuff through the mesh. If you get no resistance then there isn't enough cotton. Sides cut to an angle, tips short so it doesn't stop the flow. Only push enough down that will help with capillary action. This method has always worked. Hoping it'll be the same with the X.
Put mine away as it's frustrating the hell out of me. Everything points to it being a good vape, good airflow if you want it open, proven deck. On inspection cotton is soaked but it always feels about to dry hit, like it can't keep up wicking. Added an extra spring to keep cotton in contact with mesh, no difference. Had similar issues with the Profile M & Kylin M so maybe top airflow doesn't suit me. When I can be bothered I'll try coils, single 3-3.5mm should keep up with wicking.
As has been commented no reviews have surfaced yet, even Joel Robinson has been quiet although I know he's had personal stuff & he's more involved with Orca.
I have always had problems when feeding cotton through mesh. I use a thicker amount of cotton and swish it in the center, open 1 side and pull mesh down over it while pushing cotton in and pulling mesh over. When saturated, I see how much cotton I can stuff through the mesh. If you get no resistance then there isn't enough cotton. Sides cut to an angle, tips short so it doesn't stop the flow. Only push enough down that will help with capillary action. This method has always worked. Hoping it'll be the same with the X.
I've had every Profile including prototypes so have plenty of experience wicking mesh. Others like Steamcrave & Vandy Vape mesh decks usually just need a little adaptation to to the wicking but this, so far, has been a pain in the ass. Too cool a vape and borderline dry hitting. If I'd wicked any other deck as I have this I'd have flooded it.
I have always had problems when feeding cotton through mesh

Which is why i dont pull through, I fix one side of the mesh, add the cotton pad, i dont roll it, i fold it concertina style, then secure the other side of the mesh. Raking is ok, as long as I dont rake too close to the mesh, and always from underneath, but even then the raking can pull fibres away from the cotton 'slug' under the mesh and cause semi/ dry hits after 24 hours or so, I'm assuming it's the cotton sagging and collapsing away from the mesh strip.
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