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anybody else have one of these tanks? i’m just wondering if it might be a duffer. maybe it will always gurgle and spit?
I don't have it....but the coil position on the op's pic looks very high to me... I would aim for maybe half or slightly just over the half the coil above the posts..... n ditch the Ni
hard to say from the picture but maybe you are right @Rickster . here is how it looks...

i was thinking the coil is either shorting on one of the posts or the wraps are touching each other underneath and causing problems, both being because the the coil was bent.
straighten the coil and try and centre it a bit. make sure the wraps are spaced and none of them are touching each other. and push it down a bit as close as you can to the air hole. then stick some cotton in it and let us know if it works. :)
I've just redone it I was as low as it could go. I've just distoryed the new coil coz I put 2 much cotton through. I've rewicked it and trying again. Im going crazy. Nearly half a pack of cotton bacon.
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