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New to the forum, decided to quite smoking

Hi @4Packs and welcome!
Good luck on your journey. As fellow apes have said it might be worth getting a mtl setup to start with but i know nothing of the kit youve got yourself. If you do decide to go for something that draws like a smoke then the nautilus 2 tank is a good start and relatively inexpensive.
Hello @4Packs, Nice to meet you mate !!!
I know youve said you have a prety hefty daily stinkie rate but you could do with some lower strength nicotine as vaping 18mg in the kit you mention will be a challenge at best or make you ill at worst.
You seem committed so good luck and don't be frightened to ask for help on here.
Hi and welcome by the way.

Thanks, I just bought the nicotine strength of eliquid that the closest vape shop to me recommended that I start with. I started using my vporizer today when I woke up this afternoon - I smoked what will hopefully be my last cigarettes at 6am while walking the dog before I went to bed, and so far using the RDA that the KangerTech DripBox 160w kit comes with with the two large slots half open - I think they are called the DL slots, at 50 watts, and that seems to be working so far.

Hi and welcome to the Planet

good for you for wanting to give up the dreaded smokes.
now i have to ask this but have you ever vaped before.
reason i ask is it looks like you have jumped in at the deep end (im reading up on the mod as im typing as never used one before).
firstly fogstar is the place to go so you got that right.
3500mah batteries im not sure that these are really for vaping especially as you have a 160watt mod.
we tend to use either 2500mah for high wattage and 3000mah for under 80watts. i personally use samsung 25R and 30Q.
i think the 3500mah are more for things like high powered torches but someone else in the know can clarify this.
a dripper or sqonk is a big step for most people and not just for a beginner. hopefully someone else can clarify this would be ok with 18mg nicotine as most use low 3-6mg
high nicotine like 18-20mg are more associated to mouth to lung tanks with high ohm coils run at 10-14watts max.

im not trying to put you off in any way but wouldnt want you to start with what you got without clarifying the kit,batteries and juice will work together.

have a gander at this video

GrimmGreen's review of the KangerTech DripBox 160w is the review that convinced me that the magnets that hold the squonk bottle door in place are not really up to the task, and therefore I would be best buying silicone cases for each of the kits that I bought so that I wouldn't need to worry about the squonk bottle door falling off and the squonk bottle falling out and spilling everywhere.

Yes I have vaped before, I own a few desktop vaporizers that I have used on and off for about 10 years now, and I had a few pulls on my sister's old setup before she had hers confiscated and was fined for them - vaporizers and eliquids are banned in Singapore and they fine you and confiscate them off you if they catch you with them and it's a very expensive fine it cost my sister a S$20,000.00 fine. I went with the KangerTech DripBox 160w for a few reasons, my local vape shop suggested that I go with a squonker because they hold a lot more eliquid than the 2ml that all the tanks that are available in the U.K. are now limited to, it's regulated, it should have enough battery life to last me all day, you don't need to build or wind your own coils for it you can buy premade replacement coils to just screw in to the RDA that comes in the kit, the kit was a fiver more expensive than the replacement mods that I bought and sent out to my sister - she used to have the Innokin Cool Fire IV 40w mod I bought her a few of their newer Cool Fire Ultra mods to replace the ones she had confiscated, and because of the squonk bottle I shouldn't have to fill it up as often as I would a 2ml tank - I've been using mine since around noon today and I've used less than a quarter of the eliquid that I filled the squonk with before I went to bed. I actually spent a good month plus looking into what mod I should buy, and everything I watched and read about the KangerTech DripBox 160w kit said that it was one of the best squonking mods for those new to squonking and even vaping.

Hello & welcome 4Packs, All the best with quitting the coffin nails.

Thanks, hopefully this time I manage to quit properly, and not just substitute cigarettes with something else which is what happened the last time that I tried to quit smoking.

Welcome and good luck with quitting, mate. Are you also known as Slash lol! (Guitarist from gun's n' rose's, for those who don't know; he's a 70-a-day smoker).

Slash quit smoking almost ten years ago, because he has a subdermal defibrillator he uses different nicotine replacement therapies that are not available in the U.K. He still uses them, a nicotine inhaler - not the same type as the ones you can buy in the U.K in Boots or get prescribed from your G.P. either on the NHS or privately, as well as nicotine gum. I actually asked my G.P. if I could do the same thing, but since the type of inhaler that Slash uses is banned in the U.K. my G.P. suggested that I have a go with a vporizer and some tranquilizers - the tranquilizers are to help with the nicotine withdrawal. So far, roughly six hours into quitting, I don't think I feel that bad, or bad at all to be honest, I still havea full carton of cigarettes in the kitchen, and I haven't been tempted or felt the need for one.

And no I'm not him.
Hi and welcome, well done on making the decision and getting prepared. Fogstar is a very trusted seller and I'm glad you found him, don't dismiss your sonys tho, they are a very good battery. Amps are more important than mah, all to do with ohm's law, plenty of reading material on here to get up to speed. Good luck with your joirney

Everything that I've read about the Sony VTC6 18650 batteries says that they are great batteries, I just figured that the Fogstar ones should last longer, as in I should hopefully not need to recharge as often and hopefully get a full day of vaping from one charge. I plan toat least keep the Sony's as spares, or if I find out that I need to get one of those 18650 powered coil reader things, I'll use the Sony's to power that.

The 18mg liquid will be okay if you take fewer puffs but see how it goes, the Dripbox should be a good piece of kit once you get used to Squonking and the VTC6 batteries are fine to use in that mod. The 3500mAh sould be fine just check their Amp rating, you won't be at 160w anyway.
Oh and Welcome!

Right now I'm vaping on it at 50 watts using the 18mg strength eliquid, and so far it seems to be working. I might buy a small 10ml bottle of the next strength down eliquid - 12mg, next week, or in the near future, and see how I get along with that. The stock coils that come preinstalled in the RDA that comes with the KangerTech DripBox 160w are 316 stainless steel, and are 0.31 ohms, I haven't gotten round to using the prebuilt replacement coils that come with the kit that are made out of kanthal nor the extra pair or 316 stainless steel coils that come in the accessories box, though I think I will probably use the prebuilt replacement kanthal in the RDA that it ismadefor which is included in the kit, and then try out the RDA's that I bought using the extra pair or 316 stainless steel coils that come in the accessories box and the premade clapton coils that I have bought.

I'm inclined to agree that if you've not vaped before you've got yourself some pretty complicated kit there. Also, subohming 18mg is really hardcore.

If you've not vaped before I'd suggest a low wattage MTL (mouth to lung) setup for your 18mg liquid and some 3/6mg liquid to use with what you have already once you get used to something simpler.

Good luck!


I have no idea what the difference is between MTL - mouth to lung, and DL - direct lung, is. I'm just pulling on this thing as if it was one of my desktop vaporizers or water pipes if that makes sense to you.

this is all guess work on my part but reading your post again you mention youve bought other RDA's. best mention what make they are as they might not work on your mod as its a squonk and has the hole at the bottom to push the juice upwards. most rda's you drip the juice onto the cotton from the top so you wouldnt be able to use the internal juice bottle.
its a learning curve for me as well as ive been vaping for over 2.5 years and only use tanks with pre built coils :D

This is a complete list of everything that I have bought so far to help me stop smoking using a vaporizer:


2 KangerTech DripBox 160w kits in black - I wanted one in black and one in stainless steel but one of the shops I bought them from messed up and sent me a black one instead of a stainless steel one.


4 Sony 18650 VTC 6
4 Fogstar 3500 mah 18650


Authentic Ones:
HellVape Dead Rabbit
Armageddon Apocalypse Gen 2 - wish that I had watched the ''Vaping Bogan'' review on it before I bought it, I had to buy a squonk pin for this
Geek Vape Tsunami 24
Velocity V2
SMOK Mine Helmet - just in case squpnking doesn't work out

SXK Apocalypse Gen 2 - this came with a squonk pin
SXK Velocity V2 - this is the one suggested by ''GeekyVapes'' that comes with the glass top cap as seen here http://www.geekayvapes.com/squonk-rda/


Cotton Shears
Cotton Bacon
MUJI Organic Japanese Cotton
Extra KangerTech Squonk Bottles - I couldn't find any alternatives
Geek Vape Ceramic Tweezers Multi Tool
Vape Bands - these are meant to protect your RDA's
Black Silicone Case for the KangerTech DripBox 160w
White Silicone Case for the KangerTech DripBox 160w
24g/32g pre made Clapton coils
20m spool of 24g/32g Clapton Wire
Spare Coils for the SMOK Mini Helmet
Coil Fundi Coil Maker
Metal RDA Cleaning Brushes
30ml Clear Glass Bottles with Pipettes


1 litre of tobacco flavoured with 18mg of Nicotine
30ml 1000mg Blue KOI - these have no nicotine in them
30ml 1000mg Red KOI - these have no nicotine in them
30ml 1000mg Gold KOI - these have no nicotine in them
30ml 1000mg Pink KOI - these have no nicotine in them
30ml 1000mg Jade KOI - these have no nicotine in them
30ml 1000mg White KOI - these have no nicotine in them

That is everything I have bought so far to help me stop smoking with the KangerTech DripBox 160w, is there anything that I'm missing that I will need?

Hi @4Packs and welcome!
Good luck on your journey. As fellow apes have said it might be worth getting a mtl setup to start with but i know nothing of the kit youve got yourself. If you do decide to go for something that draws like a smoke then the nautilus 2 tank is a good start and relatively inexpensive.

I bought myself a SMOK Mini Helmet just incas, my local vape shop recommended it over the Nautilus 2, so I went with that, plus it's what my sister uses, so if I find I don't need it I can send it to her along with the spare coils that I bought for it.

Hi @4Packs and welcome to the forum.

The wraps on your batteries look really cool, it's a shame that they are hidden by the mod.

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone, and sorry for the double post.
wow, thats a nice collection you got going there.
well ive learnt something new today, i didnt know you could get pre built coils for rda that you just screw on. id be tempted to get one of these next just to give it a go. ive never got into building as blind in one eye and its just to small for me to see.

bloody heck, that is one serious fine she got. i didnt know it was that bad out there.

anyway glad to hear your managing with the 18mg and good luck and hope you wont have to go back to the cigs again.
wow, thats a nice collection you got going there.
well ive learnt something new today, i didnt know you could get pre built coils for rda that you just screw on. id be tempted to get one of these next just to give it a go. ive never got into building as blind in one eye and its just to small for me to see.

bloody heck, that is one serious fine she got. i didnt know it was that bad out there.

anyway glad to hear your managing with the 18mg and good luck and hope you wont have to go back to the cigs again.

My sister got caught at Changi Airport in Singapore with one of the Cool Fire IV 40w mods attached to a SMOK Mini Helmet in her hand bag while walking through the ''Nothing to Declare'' green que, and they decided to open her suitcase that was checked in, and found two more Cool Fire IV 40w mods, 2 SMOK Mini Helmets, two packs of replacement coils for the SMOK Mini Helmet, and three 100ml bottles of nicotine free eliquid, and they fined her S$2,000.00 per item, so it worked out to be a S$20,000.00 fine that had to be paid on the spot or face court and potentially jail time, not to mention the cost of replacing everything that the customs agents confiscated off of her.
thats outragious. i bet she was kakking herself.
was there a ban back then or were they just making some quick pocket money out of an innocent tourist.
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