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New Vaper from Stockholm , Svvveden ;)

welcome @noddy yes I am also in the thrall of all things shiny I've only been vaping 2 months I've gone from cigalikes to an evo kit to a Zmax mod and also have an mvp 2 box mod now 3protanks 4evod tanks an iclear 30 tank an igo l dripper and i'm lookin at new shiny mech mods:drool:
and in the last 3 days i have ordered nearly 200ml of juice best of luck and happy vaping:welcome1:
Hey Noddy

The iTaste (square) and iTaste SVD come highly rated on the budget end and are both vv/vw. The vapeonly looks good too but I have no first hand experience of this unit. Personally I prefer the vision spinner and would recommend it over the eGo c twist. It seems to have much better durabilty, easier to read voltage measurements across the bottom and fits your slim and stealthy requirements (although slightly fatter than an eGo battery). I don't think the 650mAh is worth it if your a heavy vaper, so go for the 1300 which willbe hard to drain in a day.

Any chance you could tell me what resistance heads you have in your EVOD clearo's? VV/VW is a quick way to adjust but you can also adjust atty resistance just as effectively. Your EVOD battery has 3.7 constant voltage. The very general rule (between 3-5 volts) to get closer to that ever elusive sweet spot is: Voltage -2 = Resistance (3.7 - 2= 1.7Ohms)
That puts a 1.8/2.2Ohm head bang on target for your battery. Once I have my resistance right I rarely play with voltage. Anyway playing around with resistances untill you're sure you want to empty your wallet might save you some money and keep you busy in the mean time!

To try and answer your questions.. Yes, upping voltage will use up more juice thus higher nicotine content in the vapour, but how much difference it makes is hard to say. As far as I'm aware there is no hard facts on how nicotine in vapour is absorbed into the body. My best guess is that 0.3v increase won't make much difference to nicotine hit over a short session but will make a big difference to the vapour production and flavour. If all else fails, trust what your body tells you.

I hope that helps a little. Good luck and never bin snus. Send it here instead ;)
thanks again guys for the most generous welcome and taking the time to answer my questions!
@BuffaloVapes The Evods that I have are 2.5ohm I believe....or at least the spares that came with the starter pack are so assume the same.
Got tired of thinking and ordered earlier...an iTaste with protank2 mini . I also got some 1.8 heads for the evods to see it that helps ( should be spot on by your calculations ;) , and then i can use the 2.5's with the itaste ( where it won't matter (?)
Anyway , appreciate your detailed and helpful post...and I would never bin the snus! ( I might have been in Sweden for longer than most sane men could bear , but my native Yorkshire instincts remain ;)
G'day everyone,
I've been a long time Swedish Snus user but thought it would be fun to try a new nic delivery system , so I took the proverbial plunge and bought a Kanger Evod start kit ( 2 x 650Mah plus evod clearomisers) and a bunch of 12 & 18 mg e liquids.

Enjoying the experience so far but a couple of weeks in and i'm getting the much mentioned itchy wallet shinyitus impulses so would appreciate any feedback from those who have been there done that ;)

I do find that my throat is very dry even though i drink water constantly ( about 3L a day i'm guessing)I'm finding the 18 mg gives me an ok throat and lung hit , but the 12 mg doesnt quite hit the spot...although i'd like to use vaping to get of the nic eventually , i'll probably stick with the 18 mg for the time being.

The thing I like about the kanger 650mah and evod set up is the 'discrete' and stylish slim look , so i'm thinking about buying something similar. I've read that the VV can be good to find the elusive 'sweet spot' and give a better T&L hit (?)

Some questions I have though are:
by uping the voltage and getting a better hit , is that then going to use more juice and thus increase the nic consumption? If so is it effectively the same as just buying a higher nic liquid for my fixed 3.7v kanger battery?

I'm looking at perhaps buying the ego C twist 650Mah with Vision Mini nova clearomiser from Vape Escape. I reaslise it's probably fairly similar to what i have but thought maybe the VV and a different clearomiser might at least be enough to tip the scales in favour of vaping

Anyway , any comments and suggestions welcomed and appreciated :)

Hi Noddy, Welcome. a few comments....
Shiny stuff is wonderful and you can't have too much. Expect to spend as much as you can afford!!! The only effective solution is to end your internet connection,, close your PayPal account and live in your car.

But that would suck!!!! Accept the fact that you'll want at least one of everything that other people are talking about!!!!

Have you tried Gin & Tonic? way better than water, or maybe try a less PG heavy mix.

As for the twist, I have a wee ego and PTmini for going out, but round the house it's a Vamo or iTaste and M16 for RBAs.

Vape on Brother
Big itch scratched!

Hope the itaste does the job for you. It sure does have a lot of scope at a good price. I would choose 1.8 Ohm heads for your EVOD on a 3.7v battery for sure. I think it will make a big difference. Enjoy and let me know how you get on..

Good luck
@Derth Vaper know what you mean....same with the juices, as soon as I read some review I feel that I must try it just in case it turns out to be THE ONE. Problem is I've only been a foot soldier in the vaping ranks for a couple of weeks and I'm already backed up with enough juice to last until spring ;)
One thing I seemed to have realised though is that i prefer the tobacco & coffee/cream/desert flavours , but the fruity ones don't do it for me , which is the opposite to what i anticipated :)

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