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New Vaper from Stockholm , Svvveden ;)

Välkommen 08an :-)

A bit late to the thread, but welcome anyways.

Some insights having been off Snus for a few weeks myself.

Positive changes, digestion is working better, back of my ears dont smell like cheetos anymore (could've`ve been that pre christmas shower too), and my gums dont ache.

Thumbs up for vaping.

Agree with you on the backup snus in public, people have been looking at me funny in IKEA.

Anyhoo, welcome.
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@WeeZap tjena! tbh it's been 2 weeks now and I don't really notice any difference being off the Snus...certainly not with my digestion, apart from getting back a nice smooth gum where the lil paket used to sit ( I only used mini's though). Have you any idea about the nic comparison for mini-snus v vape. Think I read something on Flashback or somewhere about the mini's having approx 4mg each , though not sure how much of that would be absorbed. I've been vaping at both 12 & 18 strengths and going through about 3ml per day in total. It certainly felt during the first week like I was getting less nic than I was used to ( from approx 15 mini catch per day)
The main reason I switched was that I never really enjoyed Snus in 10 years since quitting smoking, and this seems as much as a hobby as well as a nic fix ;)
I guess because of Snus , Vaping will be much slower to really take off here, though I expect to see more and more hipsters around söder cafes kicking back and vaping in the next few years , depending of course on how the regulations play out. I take my gear out an about with me and stealth vape but I wouldn't have the nerve yet to be on the receiving end of Fru Svensson's glare in IKEA !
Hahaha , that dreaded Svensson glare. Must admit I did it while walking so the Svenssons didn't have that much time to be amazed at the fragrant clouds.

After a lifetime in this country I have noticed that new things take at least 10 years to hit mainstream here after the hipsters and US/UK do it. So in 15 years i expect to see the first vape shop up in lappland. And yes Snus is sacred to the swedes, will never ever go away.

Snus, I switched from 8-10 full size General pouches (80mg nic content), your minis would have been at about 60mg.

Can only speak from my experience. Felt pretty ok at 12mg/5ml juice a day. Now after a few weeks I`m doing 5mg/7-10ml. So down from a hypothetical 80mg to a steady ~60mg a day. Pouches are slow release so I doubt you get it all, that 60mg is probably spot on for what i got out of my pouches.

That would make my perceived nic ratio from snus to vaping about 75%.

Your 12mg/3ml(36mg) would be a little low, just as a quick guess I would say ~45mg/day is where you should be to get the equivalent.

And a big yes on the hobby, only been at this for a few weeks but I just can`t get enough of them shinies, so much fun.

Have a look at this place for some cheap shinies.
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WeeZap thanks for the fasttech link....I heard about them and they are certainly good value :) . Re: snus to vape...even though i was using the mini's i find the 12mg juice a bit 'weak' and so i'm mainly on the 18mg. I think thats more to do with enjoying the throat and lung hit more from the stronger liquid rather than a nic requirement though :)

I've just picked up my shiny new iTaste VV V3 and protank mini 2 from posten ( took 3 days from Vape Escape in the UK).....first impression is....love it ;) . The coils in my EVOD's are 2.5 (which is apparently too high for the kanger battery powering at 3.7V)....so popping the EVOD on to the itaste and whacking the voltage up to around 4.5 certainly makes a difference - smooth throat hit , lots of vaper and ya gotta love that huge crackling sound :). Also got a sample of juice called WHAM! from triphammer which is my fav non tobacco juice thus far, as well as his Temptation & Hedges which I like almost as much as the EL Toro cigarillos juice I've been using so far. Anyway , hopefully this new set up will keep me satisfied for a while and immune from the lure all things shiny
For anyone thinking about the itaste VV, I have to say as well as the functionality , I think it looks very stylish hooked up to both the EVOD and the protank mini - has a very solid feel and not too bulky and 'in yer face' ;). My only issue with it so far is that by playing around with the v's and w's , and trying new juices, I've managed to go through a days worth of juice in an hour :) .

I know that one, new-itits, so much fun..

Congrats, iTaste makes good gear.

Just watch it with those bottom coil EVOD/Protanks, mine burnt the rubber insulator in the coil head when I cranked them hard. Maybe you don`t take 10-15 puffs in a row like I do :-)

One thing i really have appreciated the hell out of, SCAR rba, or the Octopus in a pinch(~10gbp).
Fabulous for tasting different juices and the flavour is just so clean. Could be something to add one day.

http://www.lightyourfire.se/ Is good for sweden orders, you have your stuff in 1-2 days.
WeeZap i think I better hold off on the dripping and rebuildable atomisers for the time being, at least until i'm out of my vaping trainer pants ;) , tempting though it is
I read on some itaste forum that most seem to play around with the wattage and let the volts sort themselves out...and that a good starting point is around 7 to 8,5 , though the flavour I've tried in the protank does taste a bit burnt above 8. i'm not doing 10-15 puffs in a row mind you, more like 5 or 6 with about a 5 -7 sec draw :)
I did check out the lightyourfire site before I ordered but it seemed cheaper and pretty much just as quick to go direct to the uk ( which is where they get most of the juices from anyway according to their site). Still they be good for small emergency orders :)

Yea, totally agree, most of my orders are from vapeascape. Lightyuorurfire is a little more expensive on most things.

I would recommend that too, stay around 6-8w.

I`ve found that i get a slight plasticy taste even at those wattages. Kanger is releasing an updated coil soon, diffrent rubber, wont stink when it gets hot, looking forward to that. Will have opaque silicone grommet in bottom and a bumpy design on the chimney.
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@Derth Vaper know what you mean....same with the juices, as soon as I read some review I feel that I must try it just in case it turns out to be THE ONE. Problem is I've only been a foot soldier in the vaping ranks for a couple of weeks and I'm already backed up with enough juice to last until spring ;)
One thing I seemed to have realised though is that i prefer the tobacco & coffee/cream/desert flavours , but the fruity ones don't do it for me , which is the opposite to what i anticipated :)

noddy no foot soldiers here mate, we're all warriors in the fight against EU oppression.
I like a good fruity vape, having gone through my RY4 phase. But yeah, now finding coffee, vanilla to be to my liking. Still love melon, sweet innocuous melon... although I think the pre-mades melons are basically vanilla....

Really would like a good smoky flavour, something like woodsmoke, but not quite. any ideas?
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