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New vaper have I done the right thing?

Hi, Cl123. First Welcome. Second yes you have done the right thing. This is a great forum and if you have any questions I'm sure loads of people here will be jumping to their keyboards to help you and give any advise.
Is it normal to vape more often than would smoke initially?

Absolutely normal, I still chain vape now and then and I certainly reach for my vape more than I used to smoke, with a ciggie you had to smoke the whole thing, with a vape you can just take a few puffs here and there as you feel like, all part of the pleasure.
Is it normal to vape more often than would smoke initially?
yes absolutely. Firstly you are trying to find your new way of getting nic, and secondly just because its all new and different. I made myself sick to start with because i couldn't get enough of all the new flavours open to me! It was like eating too many sweeties. try a stronger strength and see how you get on. Don't worry too much about what "experts" say, you need to find whats right for you. I chain-vape 6mg all the time because i can, but when i go out or will be somewhere i can't vape for a long time I switch to 10mg so that i get through the day without puffing as much. You just need to find your happy medium.
Yes I had a moment on Monday evening where I felt that I'd let everyone down and was feeling really down thinking what have I done, this year has just been so tough with trauma and bereavement in the family that I just needed an outlet
My friend has written a book on this topic and has done a lot of research.
It works well getting into habits like meditation and flossing.
As long as you focus on your end goal and progress slowly it should work for transitioning from smoking to vaping.
It doesn't apply to anything with a rush.

The many things I've taken away from discussions is that guilt can break a habit.
Also, if you say I won't do x, and you do it is a slippery slope.
So, once you have one fag it is easy to say whatever and keep smoke as you have already broken the habit.
If you set the limit to 'I won't smoke before 9am it is much easier to manage.
You can gradually but the cut off later. If you go until 12 the next day that is fine, but don't push you cut off to 12 just because you did it for one day.
Set a schedule, every X days push the cut off by a set amount of time (30 minutes or an hour).

For me, I vaped for a while and I have a few packs on my shelf. After a night of drinking, I had one and didn't enjoy it.
I haven't touched them since. If I have one I won't feel guilty though, because I have chosen to have one and it isn't breaking any rules.

It may be useful to have some high nic juices or nic salt for when you really want a nic hit.
Also, find some juices and a set up that you enjoy much more than smoking.
Pick up so gourmet juices that you can treat yourself to once in a while and have a few setups to keep things interesting.

I hope this helps!
Well the man in the shop advised because I was smoking less than 10 per day to have 6mg, he said 12mg was more suited for a 20 pack a day smoker? I feel like it's taking the edge off but I'm still experiencing cravings although I don't know if this is normal?

I’m not sure that’s the best way to think about it. I think still 12 or 18 mg is better. If you smoked less fags, you will puff the vape less often, but what’s important is that you get enough nicotine when you do puff it. Not everybody wants to be chain puffing a vape all the time to get enough nic to bear cravings, you know?

You could always try a bottle of higher strength and see how you get on with it.
Have you done the right thing? Seriously? Lol Yes of course you have!! I quit about 3 years ago and never looked back. Not touched a cancer stick since the day I bought my first ecig :) The reason you'll have noticed an improvement in your mental health is partly down to two things. Firstly the nicotine and secondly the fact that when you smoke (even though you don't realise it) you are essentially taking long slow breaths......the same as you would in meditation or to to calm yourself if feeling paniccy :) With an ecig you get all that but without the harmful 975 toxic chemicals you get in tobacco! Stick with it even if it just to stick two fingers up at the tax man !! :)
Have you done the right thing? Seriously? Lol Yes of course you have!! I quit about 3 years ago and never looked back. Not touched a cancer stick since the day I bought my first ecig :) The reason you'll have noticed an improvement in your mental health is partly down to two things. Firstly the nicotine and secondly the fact that when you smoke (even though you don't realise it) you are essentially taking long slow breaths......the same as you would in meditation or to to calm yourself if feeling paniccy :) With an ecig you get all that but without the harmful 975 toxic chemicals you get in tobacco! Stick with it even if it just to stick two fingers up at the tax man !! :)

Thankyou yes that makes a lot of sense! I've also been feeling a lot more relaxed, although when I googled it the health websites say it makes mental health worse?
Definitely the right thing @Cl123 and as @zouzounaki says, a higher nic means you'll get a better nic hit and not constantly chain puff to satisfy. I smoked light fags and started off on 18mg and quickly dropped to 12mg, when I first dropped down to 6mg I was puffing more because I wasnt getting the hit needed. Now I use 6mg during the day to give me the quick hit I need and 3mg during the evening when im more chain puffing watching tv ect.
What have your read about it? How could it possibly make mental health worse? For most of us when smoking and got stressed we would reach for a fag to calm us, the same with vaping. Not seeing how calming yourself would make things worse, its a release.
Definitely the right thing @Cl123 and as @zouzounaki says, a higher nic means you'll get a better nic hit and not constantly chain puff to satisfy. I smoked light fags and started off on 18mg and quickly dropped to 12mg, when I first dropped down to 6mg I was puffing more because I wasnt getting the hit needed. Now I use 6mg during the day to give me the quick hit I need and 3mg during the evening when im more chain puffing watching tv ect.
What have your read about it? How could it possibly make mental health worse? For most of us when smoking and got stressed we would reach for a fag to calm us, the same with vaping. Not seeing how calming yourself would make things worse, its a release.

I think it's the addictive side of it from what I've read that allegedly makes mental health worse either by smoking cigarettes / vaping however there's also research that says that vaping itself helps mental health?
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