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New Zealand Smoking Ban Reversal

Toby iVapour

Jul 12, 2012
Shock as New Zealand axes world-first smoking ban
New Zealand's new government says it plans to scrap the nation's world-leading smoking ban to fund tax cuts.

The legislation, introduced under the previous Jacinda Ardern-led government, would have banned cigarette sales next year to anyone born after 2008.
Health experts have strongly criticised the sudden reversal.

"We are appalled and disgusted... this is an incredibly retrograde step on world-leading, absolutely excellent health measures," said Prof Richard Edwards, a tobacco control researcher and public health expert at the University of Otago.

"Most health groups in New Zealand are appalled by what the government's done and are calling on them to backtrack," he told the BBC.
While it has been praised as a public health policy, the Smokefree measures drew opposition from some business groups in New Zealand. Owners of newsagents and corner shops criticised the loss of revenue - even with government subsidies.

Some lawmakers - including the new Prime Minister Chris Luxon - also argued a ban would lead to a black market for tobacco.
The laws still need to be actively repealed through parliament, where the government has a majority.
I note there is no mention in the article of criticisms like how difficult it would be to get the legislation to work in practice, or the effect it would have on liberty for adults (born after 2008), raising fundamental questions about the age of majority or adult freedoms.
Looks like a typical example of the mouth responding before the brain has engaged. Trying to police a policy like that would be a nightmare. Be interesting to see how the UK respond.
Looks like a typical example of the mouth responding before the brain has engaged. Trying to police a policy like that would be a nightmare. Be interesting to see how the UK respond.
According to the article -
New Zealand's laws were believed to have inspired the UK government in September to announce a similar smoking ban for young people.
A spokeswoman said Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's position remained unchanged after New Zealand's reversal.
They will carry on with their plan regardless, because not doing so would reveal them to be the knobs that they are.... My prediction anyway.
right wing populist government scraps bourgeois liberal former government”s policy. tax cuts trump public health. it’s not really a surprise.
I don't agree with the policy but if it's to fund tax cuts the scrapped policy would have had to cost shed loads of dosh to implement or of course it's all smoke and mirrors.
I don't agree with the policy but if it's to fund tax cuts the scrapped policy would have had to cost shed loads of dosh to implement...
According to the article -
Both minor parties blocked a flagship National policy to open up foreign property ownership - which the party had been relying on to fund tax cuts for middle and higher-income earners. Ms Willis said on Saturday that had led to the party looking elsewhere.

"We have to remember that the changes to the Smokefree legislation had a significant impact on the government books, with about a billion dollars there," she told New Zealand broadcaster TV3's Newshub Nation.
So there should be restrictions around selling vapes but no restrictions against selling cigarettes that generate lots of tax dosh. Makes perfect sense. :doh:
So there should be restrictions around selling vapes but no restrictions against selling cigarettes that generate lots of tax dosh. Makes perfect sense. :doh:
Unfortunately sense doesnt seem to play any part is these rules and regulations. As they say in that great film the "Gentlemen"......there's fuckery afoot.
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