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Newbie coil building questions

Are you sure?

Do you really want the illusion of control to be shattered by the realisation that the machine's decisions are absolute and that pressing those buttons is simply a suggestion?

It's not too late, you can choose not to know and just wake up in the morning and this will all feel like a dream.

I suppose all I need to know for now is if I build duel coils using for example 24-26g kanthal with about 5-7 wraps each (seems to fit just right over the air holes of my big baby beast rba deck) will it explode in my face?
I suppose all I need to know for now is if I build duel coils using for example 24-26g kanthal with about 5-7 wraps each (seems to fit just right over the air holes of my big baby beast rba deck) will it explode in my face?
That will depend if your mod has all the necessary inbuilt protections and functions as it should.
Ok cool I just need to decide what gauge kanthal to buy and how many wraps for each coil. I wish it was as easy as... 24g kanthal needs this many for duel coils haha
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