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Newbie coil building questions

Measure the inner diameter of the included coils(basic ruler or tape measure will work fine) as they're likely be chunkier than standard round wire, anything that size ID or smaller should be fine, you could probably get away with increasing the diameter a size(if you wanted to) with standard round wire as it'll be thinner than a clapton, giving you a bit more space to work with. There's a few videos on the web showing off that deck, when in doubt doing your build, copy someone else and how they build it, coil differences aside.
Thanks mate :) I had a look on youtube and most folks using single strand kanthal go between 2.5 and 3 mm and between 24-26 Awg for my deck so I could just try and copy that and go from there but I might get some pre made coils too just to try.
I know it was an oversimplifications but it gives a starting point for someone that it new to making coils.

Yeah, I get it - and I refer to wattage to myself too...

I just feel that it's important for new people to be aware that the same set of numbers on the display does not necessarily equate to the same vape experience.

That's one small reason that I never went for an atty with a stock coil - rebuildable from day 1...
Thanks mate :) I had a look on youtube and most folks using single strand kanthal go between 2.5 and 3 mm and between 24-26 Awg for my deck so I could just try and copy that and go from there but I might get some pre made coils too just to try.

Whatever works for you, there is no one build to rule them all, work your way into the builds however feels right for you, you're bound to make a few errors along the way, but you'll learn something with each build(even if you get it spot on with the first attempt).
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