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Newbie coil building questions

Kanthal A1 24ga, dual coil build, 0.3ohm, 3mm ID, 6 wraps per coil.


Steamengine is great for working out coil builds.

5 wraps for 0.25ohm, 4 wraps for 0.2.
Thanks for that. :) I have had a look at steam engine but couldn't make sense of it but just watched a vid tutorial so will give it another go. Such a noob question but is it right that to even get a result for wraps you need to know what your target ohms or resistance is?
There's more to it than wattage though, it's not a reliable baseline to maintain familiarity.

I can build a coil with 28g Ka, or with 22g Ka, or with 2 or 4 strands twisted together and get them all to the same resistance by altering the size of core and number of turns - and if I run them at the same wattage they'll perform entirely differently...

And that's before you get into how it's wicked and the placement in the airflow.

While this might appear like I'm trying to make it sound complicated, I'm actually just trying to temper expectations.

Throwing in a build of the same resistance (ohms) as a stock coil and expecting it to perform the same if the wattage is set the same is (imo) what causes a lot of people to condemn rebuildables.

(If I wanted to make it complicated I'd explain how there's no such thing as variable wattage anyway ;))
I know it was an oversimplifications but it gives a starting point for someone that it new to making coils.
Thanks for that. :) I have had a look at steam engine but couldn't make sense of it but just watched a vid tutorial so will give it another go. Such a noob question but is it right that to even get a result for wraps you need to know what your target ohms or resistance is?

Well that's partly the point of the tool, select the wire you want to build for(many to choose from), choose the setup(single coil/dual/whatever), set the desired ohms, tweak the ID (because it defaults to 1.3 for some reason) and see how many wraps it calculates that build should need. That you can plan this stuff out in a tool is great, cheaper than buying bundles of different wires and working it all out manually.

A guide on using Steam Engine here.

If you want to skip specifically to the coil wrapping tool part.

Well that's partly the point of the tool, select the wire you want to build for(many to choose from), choose the setup(single coil/dual/whatever), set the desired ohms, tweak the ID (because it defaults to 1.3 for some reason) and see how many wraps it calculates that build should need. That you can plan this stuff out in a tool is great, cheaper than buying bundles of different wires and working it all out manually.

A guide on using Steam Engine here.

If you want to skip specifically to the coil wrapping tool part.

Yes Thank you:) one more probably very stupid question... if I'm moving from shop bought coils to building my own how do i know what my target ohms should be? (Insert red face emoji) lol
Yes Thank you:) one more probably very stupid question... if I'm moving from shop bought coils to building my own how do i know what my target ohms should be? (Insert red face emoji) lol

Well that's the big question if you don't know exactly what kind of build you want, you'll have to experiment with different builds to find what works best for you if you don't have a particular build in mind. You could always start with a simple pack of prebuilt like this.


In a dual deck that would come out at 0.25ohm.

Or even experiement with a variety of coils.

Well that's the big question if you don't know exactly what kind of build you want, you'll have to experiment with different builds to find what works best for you if you don't have a particular build in mind. You could always start with a simple pack of prebuilt like this.


In a dual deck that would come out at 0.25ohm.

Or even experiement with a variety of coils.

Well that's the big question if you don't know exactly what kind of build you want, you'll have to experiment with different builds to find what works best for you if you don't have a particular build in mind. You could always start with a simple pack of prebuilt like this.


In a dual deck that would come out at 0.25ohm.

Or even experiement with a variety of coils.

Ok Thank you so much for your help :)
The description for that deck states 0.35ohms but doesn't make it clear if that's per coil or total. What ohms does your mod report with the coils you've been using already?
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I've been using the smok X4 coils which are 0.15 with a 30-70 w range. At the moment it shows 0.232 ohms but this is with the stock baby beast thank
Did the RBA deck come with cotton. If not, then i guess it makes sense to grab a few coils to play with when you purchase some, else why not just test out the included and pre-installed coils first before shopping around for other coils? The included coils look like claption coils, a bit fancier than standard kanthal round wire.
Yes it came with cotton bacon. I do have the claptons I think they looked very uneven I remember so I took them out but I'm sure I put them in the box lol I may as well get some pre made kanthal coils though just to have a try just need to get the right size with my deck being quite small to work in.
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