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I'm on the app on my phone but I think when I click on the calculator it redirects me to a web page I think don't quote me on that though
Similar thread recently. I mix a fair bit and use Ejuice Me Up on the desktop PC alongside a spreadsheet to verify and record my manual calculations and mixes.
I checked the forum calculator and a few android mobile apps but didn't think any was comprehensive enough but as questions are increasing about DIY I will check again to see and compare mobile options.
Reinstalled the Android POTV eJuiceCalc app - works fine though I think starting with "Base" is misleading as I don't think of the nic solution as a "base".
To me, a "base" is a mix of PG and VG to add to nic and flavour(s) so it should really say "Nic Base".
Semantics maybe, but hope it doesn't confuse anyone.
Still prefer eJuice Me Up program on desktop as everything shows in one window but I suppose most folk have relatively small phone screens so would be tricky to show something like that in a mobile app.
Will test the online/inline POTV web site calc now ...
Hmm. Better (imo) than the app because it starts with the important stuff before getting to the nic and is more clear on the dilution percentage of your nic and if it's VG or PG based.
My criticism is that it does not allow for VG flavours and most users will probably need to scroll down to see the calculation results.
So not perfect but adequate.
Not sure if relevant but e-liquid-recipes.com calculator works wonderfully on my iPhone, is free & once an account set up all you're recipes are stored. I've accessed it via my iPhone(IOS), my work galaxy tab (android)& my laptop(windows7), all are displayed identically...
Not sure if relevant but e-liquid-recipes.com calculator works wonderfully on my iPhone, is free & once an account set up all you're recipes are stored. I've accessed it via my iPhone(IOS), my work galaxy tab (android)& my laptop(windows7), all are displayed identically...

That's a very good site, have used them a lot for ideas. Not tried it on any mobile devices, will give that a go out of curiosity.
Personally I do all my mixing at home so use a desktop puter to calculate but I know lots of people only use phones/phablets/tablets ...
Thanks guys I used ejuice calculator by make my vape today on my iPhone it's pretty good although the same can't be said for the mix I made haha maybe next time...
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