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Newbie with a couple of questions.

Hi and thanks everyone i ordered with my sub some USA red (Malborough?) and some gold and silver from CoolVapes think there both 18mg,does any one know of a liquid retailer near my hometown Of Lancaster?
I honestly dont know if nicotine strength matters too much, its more the hit, taste and the vaping experience. the more the vapour cloud and slight heat on the mouth (controlled with the voltage) the better. The taste compared to a real cig is far better with the flavours available and I'm liking cinnamon, aniseed and maple rum, all mixed at 70/30 and 11mg. Going to mix the next lot down a bit, say 6mg to see if I notice. Just my opinion after 5 weeks in.
I used to smoke 20 a day. I have tried 24 mg nic, it seemed strong at first , then after a while it seemed OK. I then smoked some zero nic for an hour or so and then tried 10mg. It felt just as strong as the 20mg did before. So I now use 5 to 10 mg all the time.
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