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Nicotine in Food Product

Nicotine is in foods from the nightshade family but in much smaller amounts then from tobacco. There is also the questions of absorption. Nicotine is a base but the stomach is very acidic. If any nicotine is absorbed into the bloodstream from food, and it's doubtful if it is, it would be such a small amount as to be insignificant. Very likely below anything we can measure. The whole issue becomes bogus. No one is going to get addicted to nicotine by eating tomatoes or potatoes, etc.
Everyone who has ever been tested for nicotine has come up positive because it is in so much food that we eat on a daily basis. I do not think people are addicted to nicotine from eating it, I think it is something that is introduced to us as soon as we start eating REAL food and by chance, are more easily addicted to cigs because we can gain nic in higher percentages. Vaping, lowers the percentages but we are still getting nicotine if we so choose.

Some believe that certain people are more likely to be addicted to nicotine due to a certain vitamin deficiency.
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