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nicotine strength

Btw, most of the nicotine in cigarette tobacco is burned off before u inhale it, i think ive read that by time cigarette smoke hits your lung its only about 1.5 - 3 mg total for the whole cigarette, at most.

And none of it as zt said is comparable at all to ejuice

Edit: that decimal point may be in the wrong spot, not sure, its been a while, my point was that whatever it says in it is gone by time u inhale it, u r mostly left with tar and chemicals, the info is easily obtained and plastered all over the internet at this point...stay away from anti vaping sites for info
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I know the last cigarette I has was about 5 years ago after I hadn't smoked for 2 years before that and it made me feel pretty nauseous and dizzy, i.e. nicotine isn't the worst thing about cigarettes.

I don't mind the odd bit of maths/science but just the first page left me thinking...


Way overthinking it a bit imho

if nicotine is too high = buzzing & feeling sick etc...

if nicotine is too low for you = climbing the walls, stressed out etc...
At the end of the day if your worried about Nicotine don't use it, don't think i could go a day without it at the moment, plus like others have said Nicotine that is in juice is in a pure form with no chemicals unlike ciggies which you are burning and getting nasties into your system. I wasn't sure that vaping would suit me this time round after trying it back in 2012/13 but it's brilliant plus i have met some great people along the way and the support you get is amazing. I could never go back to smoking now.
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