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Nicotine ?

Cheers @dansus. Now where is the thread for cost effective second freezers?
Get a second hand chest freezer from BHF or gumtree etc
Not just for nic, if you have a big freeze you can buy lots of reduced meat from supermarkets and freeze it for months
I would like to suggest that when the political dust settles, we approach the health minister as a group, and ask for a definitive answer to how the new laws are justified.
I understand this is an EU directive, bearing in mind the next health minister will shortly be operating outside of the EU, there will never be a better time to try and influence policy going forward.
I would like to suggest that when the political dust settles, we approach the health minister as a group, and ask for a definitive answer to how the new laws are justified.
I understand this is an EU directive, bearing in mind the next health minister will shortly be operating outside of the EU, there will never be a better time to try and influence policy going forward.
The next health minister won't be operating outside of the EU.
All eu laws the UK adheres to will be discussed and most will probably become UK law (this is a perfect time for the government to pass laws without much notice btw) between June and 2019.
If no agreement is reached between the UK and the EU by 2019 any remaining EU laws that haven't been made UK law won't be enforceable in the UK.

It's possible the TPD could be dropped quickly, but it could take two years. It's also possible for something stricter to be passed because there will be so many things going on it could happen without anyone noticing.
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