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Noel Gallagher criticises Muse drummer for smoking an electronic cigarette

Ha had a go at David Bowie the other day too. The man is an unjustifiable swell head and always has been. It was part of the appeal of the 90s dirgy grunge rock pop of Oasis. A cocky streetwise fuck the world attitude. Goodish stage band. Couple of half decent studio albums. That's it. He can't hold a candle to Bowie and Muse are in a different league.
But hey they're not cool like he is. He smokes real cigarettes. Wow. What a tosser
By the way the Muse drummers father died of a heart attack aged 62 at Glastonbury in 2004. I don't know if his father was a smoker but that could be part of why his son is using an Ecig and good on him. Pity it wasn't something like a Vamo mind ;)

ome of them also had a go at Adam Ant and his illness ... total scum
Both of the Gallaghers are cunts. Never had anything good to say about anything except themselves.
I can't think of a better bloke to get struck down by a smoke related illness. It's sad that the only way he can get attention is by slagging off people with way more talent than he's got! It certainly ain't by the quality of his music these days!
Is he just getting more bitter and twisted in his old age?

....or is it just that he's not getting invited to champagne receptions at Downing Street tec. these days and being a tool is the only way he can get his fizzog in the papers any more?
He's right that the brits were devoid of any characters (probably, I didn't see it), but he still thinks it's "rock n roll" to smoke.
Sure if you're 18 years old and wanna take on the world (albeit in a very cliched way), but the man is approaching 50! Nothing sadder than an old rocker trying to stay young. Reminds me of league of gents creme brûlée and tommy saxondale. Sad old fool.
I saw the drummer from Muse smoking an electronic cigarette. A cigarette with a battery in. I had to say to him: ‘Really? Really? Is that where you are at? Do me a favour mate, either have a proper one outside, or don’t have one.’ It lit up green when he had a drag of it. Nonsense. He said that immortal line – ‘oh you know how it is mate’. And I said ‘I’m sorry mate, I actually don’t.’
Read more at http://www.nme.com/news/noel-gallagher/69067#JyppVlLZmb3ktq23.99

Once a tosser always a tosser and the other brother is even worse, I met him (Liam) once in Harrods with his then g/f Patsy Kensit, both looked like Skanks even then, she since cleaned up her act some but the Tosser brothers will always be that wannabee Beatles... perhaps they might even learn to sing someday ( and WASH ) :28:

I nevr ever liked them since day one when quoted for saying, there is only 3 decent rock bands in this world besides them - Elvis, The Beatles & The Stones.... Idiots..

Ps: I've met Jagger too :P
He's right that the brits were devoid of any characters (probably, I didn't see it), but he still thinks it's "rock n roll" to smoke.
Sure if you're 18 years old and wanna take on the world (albeit in a very cliched way), but the man is approaching 50! Nothing sadder than an old rocker trying to stay young. Reminds me of league of gents creme brûlée and tommy saxondale. Sad old fool.
Hey less of the old ;)
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Knowing Muse, it may have been a vamo, customised to glow green at the end ;)

Yes the heavy chrome one would make a nice cosh to twat the twat with !
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