I was there last week Bez and noticed a few drinkers/homeless people in the old town.
Portugal was a wee reminder that not everywhere in the world has a smoking ban! It'd been a dozen years since we'd been abroad and to see people openly smoking in bars/restaurants - we mostly sat outside but the waft of fag smoke was never far away, I forgot just how much smoke goes for my chest/throat. We took the boys to a restaurant and we were getting funny looks from the staff for going outside for a vape, just habit from doing it here.
I found a vape shop as soon as we got there, the mini bus shuttle from our resort dropped you off at the top of the old town at a bus & taxi rank and the vape shop was right next to it - I had a very brief look and they were €10 for 30ml of shop made liquid (never bought any as had plenty with me) I did notice a tobbacanist with a sign for Amber Leaf at €78, I'd imagine that was for 10 x 50g? Even if it was 10 x 30g, it's a damn sight cheaper than the UK.