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non rebuildables & cloud Chasing


Apr 4, 2014
Is it possible to get big massive thick clouds whilst using a non rebuildable like a aspire nautilus? I don't have time, space or patience right ATM for rebuilding?

But I do like big clouds!

Any ideas anyone?


Is it possible to get big massive thick clouds whilst using a non rebuildable like a aspire nautilus? I don't have time, space or patience right ATM for rebuilding?

But I do like big clouds!

Any ideas anyone?



I dont think its possible. correct me if I am wrong people.. but companys wont encourage sub ohm vaping and wouldnt put a coil with low resistance in a disposable atty right ?

If they do then please post up a link as I would love one. save me building twice a week!!
Aerotank mega 0.8ohm coil, with as high a VG juice as would wick properly would be the best you could do. You would need a decent device to run it on though. I don't think egos and sub ohm mix. It wouldn't be anywhere near the results you can get from a dripper with extra airflow, good batteries and a simple coil, but I reckon it is the best you can do.
Only other one I have heard of doing well is the Silo with BVC coils. Watch Todd's review of it.
Define "massive thick clouds"

You can get a pretty vast cloud from a humble aerotank with a 50:50 juice.
Just do a lung hit with the airflow fully open (if you have it) but leave a gap around the drip tip to suck in the extra air needed to get a lung full.
Sounds odd, but you get a fair sized cloud out of it.
Obviously it won't be as dense as a "proper" cloud, but try it and see if it works for you! :)

Don't dismiss building your own though, it really does just boil down to twiddling a piece of wire around a stick and knowing your battery's limits (if using a mechancical mod)
Don't be put off by some of the more complex looking builds that you might see. A cotton wicked micro coil is quick and easy to make, and works really well :)
As Panter says High VG will give you some 'clouds' , with limitations, only with a brand new coil and plenty of air, and only for about half an hour! After that, the gunk and residue build up tames things back to normal.
Aerotank mega 0.8ohm coil, with as high a VG juice as would wick properly would be the best you could do. You would need a decent device to run it on though. I don't think egos and sub ohm mix. It wouldn't be anywhere near the results you can get from a dripper with extra airflow, good batteries and a simple coil, but I reckon it is the best you can do.
Only other one I have heard of doing well is the Silo with BVC coils. Watch Todd's review of it.

I would not recommend the 0.8ohm kanger coils with high VG. I put them in my aerotank with ruthless ez duz it (something like 80-90% VG, I can't remember off the top of my head) and anything more than a 2 second puff is getting me a burnt taste....this is at only around 10-12watts too :/

It's only the first coil I've tried, it could be a duffer, but I'd advise caution unless someone else has a better experience than me

I would not recommend the 0.8ohm kanger coils with high VG. I put them in my aerotank with ruthless ez duz it (something like 80-90% VG, I can't remember off the top of my head) and anything more than a 2 second puff is getting me a burnt taste....this is at only around 10-12watts too :/

It's only the first coil I've tried, it could be a duffer, but I'd advise caution unless someone else has a better experience than me


Yes that is precisely the issue, very high VG juice simply won't wick properly, I suspect that 40/60 PG/VG is probably the thickest you would get to work, but I haven't played with this so I can't give a definitive answer. A simple rebuildable with a good robust coil that will last several weeks and a steel, silica or ekowool wick so that you don't need to rewick the way you do with cotton, I feel would be far more successful, but that isn't the question the OP asked.
You can stick a coil and wick in a dripper as quickly as you can change the head in a clearomiser with a little practice.

My first build on my veritas took fifteen minutes, thats an unusal dripper I had not seen before in the flesh. I figure on fifteen minutes to dual coil a three post dripper.

Its much easier to follow where others tread than to try and invent a new wheel.
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