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noob coil making question

Mostly it's just practice, but firstly make sure you wind tightly on to the forming tool, keep the forming tool or some other suitably sized screwdriver or drill bit in the coil when you are mounting it and finally make sure you use a reasonable pair of tweezers when you heat and squeeze the coil after it's fitted. Using pliers will usually result in you crushing the coil and flimsy cheap ass tweezers get hot quicly or just bend all over the place - turning your carefully crafted and mounted coil into something from an Salvador Dali painting...

Balls. I'm not heating the coil when it's fitted. I'm guessing that helps you to move it about a bit?

(In my defence, I did fess up to being a noob at the outset :-) ).

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Like previously mentioned wind your coil as tight and tidy as you can don't need to be amazing then get it in your atty and get the position where it needs to be with the rod from the jig still inside the coil tighten your screws down once you have it lined up and straight take the rod out of the coil and put it on your ohm meter but as I know you using an istick stick it on that check the resistance is all good and if so pulse it gently so the coil starts to glow then get your tweezers and gently squeeze the coil tighter so it all starts to close up don't rush and to and do it all at once just take your time and pulse then squeeze eventually it should look nice and even and start glowing from the centre outwards once you have that use the coil jig rod to ensure your coil is positioned correctly so that it's level with the air holes of your atty then wick it so that it's snug but not too tight this bit is all about trial and error if it's too tight you'll choke the wick and get dry hits also when you wick it try and make sure air can flow around the coil including under it then prime your wicks before you fire it but m I think you may have that bit sorted already you may find your resistance has changed since before you pulsed it this is normal and your all set

Should look kinda like this coil but tbf this coil is in my kayfun and isn't particularly tidy but hopefully it will give you an idea what your looking for
The far east ......... of Kent lol thanet. used to live in Torquay tho that would a been handy could a given u a lesson lol
Ah Torbaydos. I know it well (and tend to avoid it). Cider bar in Newton is good though.

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