I'm new as well but have picked up some tips from YouTube and forums..
I use an electric drill on slow to make my wire straight before I start. I bend an L in the length of wire and clamp that tight in the chuck with the wire coming out dead-center. Grab the other end of the wire with pliers and run the drill. Keep the wire tight but allow it to shrink a bit as it twists. Stop before it snaps or kinks. You'll have a dead-straight wire to work with.
I use a mini blow torch to heat the coil red-hot once it's wound on the drill bit I use to coil round (it's in a clamp, not held with fingers!) then compress it with pliers (ceramic tweezers would be better) till it cools and holds it's shape (heating and cooling removes some of the springyness). I then slip it off the bit and gently squeeze it with pliers, zap it red hot with the blowtorch again, run it under a cold tap and repeat until happy.
You can try using the correct diameter bolt with a wide, deep thread to wrap round instead of a drill-bit or screwdriver to encourage even coils. Obviously you have to unscrew the coil from it and will need the same size of bit or screwdriver for positioning the coil in the deck because you want something that just slides out for that.
Once fitted to the deck I check resistance, heat red hot on a mod, jiggle the bit inside the coil (not when firing the mod!) and gently squeeze coils together and tweak position with pliers until I am happy that it's neat, secure, in the right position and has stable resistance.
Maybe a bit of a faff but works for me. Coils are always tidy, stable and within 0.01 ohm of my target.