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Now a Mini Protank/Iclear 16 & Kanger T3S Clearomizer Convert!!! Love it!!!!

Nah, I think much like the VV v3.0, but it doesn't have a fixed internal battery, so its lifespan isn't restricted to that of the battery.
Getting the hang of voltage/wattage & ohm checking settings is pretty straightforward on these

The biggest problem is figuring out what sort of batteries & charger I need, but Torchy's sorting me out with some advice

What about making the coil and wick business on the svd? Or is that not the svd?
No, that's your atomiser.
I've not tried recoiling the Kangers yet, as they seem a bit fiddly, so I'm concentrating on getting comfortable with recoiling the dripper (which was a breeze).
The SVD, Ego etc are the battery units that carry your tanks, atties drippers etc

I've been using the T3s clearos for a while now (2 genuine and one from FT) as well as the Protank 2 (mainly so the heads are all interchangeable so I can have spare heads and not have to mix + match as they all fit) and haven't had any complaints from the T3s or the Protank. Not looked at the mini protank but assume they are like a glass/poly version of the t3s in style by the looks of them so must be decent ;)

I have noticed my Ego-V V2 has started to not last as long (or perform as well) so went for the MVP 2 (smaller size appealed to me)
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