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I like a deep juice well myself, some RDA's do have this, while others have a non existent well, and you can only really drip onto the cotton.

I quite like a RDA, well it is more of an RDTA with a small tank/juice cavity section, called the Haze dripper tank. It is more suited to single coils though, but might be worth looking into something like that or even a RDTA if you want the dripping experience without having to redrip every few hits.

The only thing is, with a deep juice well or a RDTA, there is the chance that the juice will spill on your children if they got hold of it as you are worried about, but that is more a matter of keeping it out of their reach than the RDA's fault lol.
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My 13 Heavens 9 Hells, which I've used nothing but for a year leaks tons. I find it leaks more if the cotton is reaching the end of its life (2 months). It is generally the leaking that gets me to replace it.

I go everywhere with tissue in my pocket, and won't take my decent jacket out because it will leak in the pockets. Every other jacket I own has big leak patches lol.

Not a tramp, honest.
I find it leaks more if the cotton is reaching the end of its life (2 months)

apologies in advance, but fuck me lol, "2 months" without changing the cotton in a rda?
try changing the cotton every few days or at least more often, will improve the flavour by miles and sort your leaking
I won't lie, I do have some drippers and tanks that do have cotton in that is two months plus old, but these are tanks and RDA's that are not currently being used, so just have the old build still in them.

When I do get round to using them, sometimes I forget how long it has actually been, and not only do I get the lovely flavour of wet cotton that hasn't been used in months, but also a mouthful of dust to go with it lol.
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