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One Month of Carol using CBD

Fully not understand why CBD cannot be classed as medicine. Should be classed as best natural thing ever.

No psychoactive, no HIGH at all so whats wrong? THC is good as CBD is but its psychoactive so they treat is as a DRUG. THC should also be legal but i fully understand why its not.

Why shal they make it legal if some (lot of) people doesn't know how to smoke it? Lots of them smoke it and the only one important reason for them is getting "HIGH". Know what am talking about because got a "dark" past with smoking lots of weed everyday for over 2 years. Some don't even know about health benefits that MJ gives. Just smoke it to get totally HIGH. Some know that they are addicted and smoke only for HIGH but will tell the others that they do it because of health benefits just to live in lie "am not addicted. I do it for health benefits only"

If someone knows how to smoke THC in small dosages then he is truly safe and noone can say that its only the time when he will always up the dosage to smoke only for HIGH and being addicted because everyone is differente. If somebody really knows how to smoke then combination of small amount THC with CBD will give awesome benefits.

But so far i understand why its not legal like in Holland. Never ever heard that weed killed anybody but its just a time when someone will need more high and he start taking heroin...
For most even alcohol should be illegal...

CBD is an awesome thing that people should not be scary of. Im much more scary of chemical medicines than CBD.

Am glad that i live in Scotland and medicines are free but its time when we will need to buy it. If that happen then like in other countries most of them will be extremely expensive and do the "big clean" in our pockets. Guess they will defo make CBD illegal then because of the money. They say they care about our health. Seriously? They care (few of them) more about money and getting richer like a "fat pig".

I give my own truly and strong recommandation for CBDfx to all of you. U can get it in 60mg, 120mg and 300mg anyway to not waste the money if u decide buy 300mg for about 60 pounds. Sounds scary but it will last you for much longer than 60mg. Remember to start it easy. For example best shall be 25mg or even make it 20 mg! Its not all day vape and best will be defo to vape it morning and night (few hours before sleeping) so u can split it to 10mg morning and night time. It really need time to get into your body and work in a right way so don't be dissapointed if u don't feel all u wanted to after only a day. Make that one 10ml bottle of 300mg for 20mg as said and it will last you for 15 days! For everyone who works and really need that 60 pounds for 15 days will not be that much. After that u can up the dosage easy for better results. Make it 30mg then and stick to it. Will last you for 10 days. If still need more for like any pains then make it 40mg and end up at 50 mg.

Not a doctor so cannot tell u if it will fix your depression if anyone got it but will defo make u calm and relaxed. Will also improve your sleeping. If CBD cannot fix depression then relaxation and much better sleeping can truly fix that so after all we can say that CBD fixed that. Relaxation and better sleeping is very important as everyone needs a good sleep time.

Not sure about your prices but whenever i want i can buy 250 mg CBD flavoured called "cereal killer" for 40 pounds from my Local vape store. 40 pounds for 250 flavoured is a good price. I can add bit over 20 pounds to that and get 300 mg by CBDfx but that 20 pounds then will make it only 50 mg more. Anyway CBDfx is awesome CBD and truly worth a try. Try that guys and hope u will be not dissapointed. CBDfx is called to only add to your current flavour but i already vaped it on its own and was very happy. Loved that smell with bit of sweet taste. Also tried it with my Love Bubblegum Banana and was awesome!

Always remember to take a puff and hold it as long as u can for the best results. Taking puff for only sec is just wasting money and being dissapointed.

Suggest to buy another new tank so u can use it only for your CBD. Ofcourse u can buy cbd mod. Haven't tried it yet but worth a try.

Did a 1 month test and results was awesome! Lot of relaxation & calm time and much better sleep time. Depends on people as everyone is differente but u all should feel it same. Will not be a placebo effect as don't believe it can lasts for a month.

Leaving my 10/10 strong recommandation for CBDfx that is defo worth a try ;)

Thanks for reading that ! :vapinape:


Don't know much about this 3-x. Discount is nice but not pretty sure if going to try it. There is no stated how much of CBD it has so can't say if worth a try.

Anyway after CBDfx going to try cereal killer 10 ml bottle flavoured CBD with 250mg of it! As far as know it has been tested and truly got 250mg CBD so for a price of 40 pounds its awesome deal.

Just for people who may be interested. Give me a shout if u really want to so i will be able to make a pic of it just for you. Also will defo test it and will leave review and "how works" for interested people only.
If anybody decide to try it i can buy it for you and ship it out in safe way. Ofcourse will need to get money first and shippment must be paid. Note its only for who is interested.

Hope i haven't broke any rules buy leaving my note for interested people only. If so then take my apologizes and delete that note.

Thanks a lot again for your time:thankssign::thankyou:
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Could anyone of you vapes explain me how can i understand 6000mg per 10ml in cbd mods?

How its compare for example to satijah or canavape 500 mg?

Does anyone tried cbdmods... 6000 mg sounds a lot and too cheap for price of £29 per 10ml.

1 ml would be 600 mg but i don't really know any person who vapes 600 mg on daily basis...

6000 micrograms equals 600mg basically.
We have some of the X3 here and it's fine, but if you read the whole thread you will see that CBD mods is rated highly by many here.
6000 micrograms equals 600mg basically.
We have some of the X3 here and it's fine, but if you read the whole thread you will see that CBD mods is rated highly by many here.

Yep @Rob . Am going defo to buy 6000mg x3 this week. The guy from 3x told me that 2000 equals about 500 so 6000 should be 1500 but anyway im going try that staff.

Their juice looks so green. Is it real or just picture? Looks strong lol
Our's is clear Matey, guess it's something in the photo?
@Miss Pepper sorry to take this thread slightly off-topic, but I just wanted to say this.

Since I smashed a hip falling of a horse when I was 20, I've had several ops and hip replacements which have meant a long time non-weight bearing through several phases of my like, lasting months and even years, where I've needed a walking stick. Being a bit of a flamboyant dresser, and also being into antiques, have helped me get a decent collection together over the years ......... and (much to the horror of the physio department) I also have them in two heights for when I wear heels! ;)

It's horrible facing up to it, but it does make things so much easier if you do actually like the thing and you can try to make a virtue of it. I'm sure this will change as I get older, but most people have just assumed I'm a poser and don't realise I actually need the stick! :P

I really hope this thread helps. xx
@Crewella thank you for sharing, my funked up stick has been used the last two weeks whilst i have been at work and made its debut appearance in the "right hand" thread.

Would love to see your collection :D
missed that stick, linky?

very dependant on sticks, here's my favourite:

2016-11-17 stick.jpg
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