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Pandora V2

Well according to Amazon Shipping, mine should be here within the next 2 hours so after a clean and setup, I'll put up some first impressions. :)
Can't be bothered now plus off out for a few hours later, plenty of time tomorrow when feeling sorry for myself;)
Ha yeah only joking mate, I saw the opening for an Archer quote and took it lol.
Mine isn't getting here till Monday. I really hope that airflow is ok
I'm more comfortable with that sort of build deck anyway(berserker mini, true etc) and if it's more forgiving wick wise then that's even better.

Yeah the outer watch style wheel to change airflow is a great feature, you don't have to go near your deck at all :)

Have you tried the chamber plate by any chance?
I have not yet tbh - not in ernest anyway
Okay first impressions are not great to be honest, running my typical 6 spaced wraps of 28g NI80 with 50/50 liquid with the 1.2mm airflow at 13w.

After every few puffs, the airflow starts to feel sloppy and like it's gurgling. Tried taking it apart, drying and rewicking, altering my coil height etc and the same thing happens.

Not quite sure but maybe something isn't sealing correctly. I will keep experimenting over the weekend but not off to a great start.
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