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Parallel mech battery choice?


Jan 2, 2015
Hi folks, I'm waiting for my first dual 18650 box (Cherry Bomber, and fuck the haters!) and I'm not sure what cells I should be looking at for this.

I run all my mechs with VTC4s, always have done (apart from a brief dalliance with the eFest bullshit) but my Sig 100+ proved fantastic with a new pair of 25Rs. Much longer life and perform fantastically, but wondered if they'd stand up to the abuse of some low builds in a dual mech setup. To be honest, the batts are gonna cost me more than the mech and I'd rather have something in there that someone has tried and tested.

The next step is Lipo, but that's for for my "speshul" box. This is 18650, and I'm dithereing between the two brands.

I always marry my batts, and rotate. I've ordered clear skins to make this entire process easier. Just wondered if there was anyone with any preference in unregulated as I'll have to be spunking another wad for these, and having never tried the 25Rs in my mechs (as they're married to the Sig) I'd love some input.
You should be ok with them, or the LG HE4s [yellow ones]; remember in a parallel box you're sharing the load between two batteries.
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