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Petition to the Government regarding assessment and classification of e-cigs


Great Idea this needs passing about as much as possible

Added to my FB time line & highlighted also
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Hello to all of you. When I read this post I remembered the situation one year ago before in Greece. I think it is valuable for you.
In November 2011, greek EOF (Hellenic Drug Organization) announced a decision to restrict all nicotine juice in the market. They went to 4-5 greater companies and got the juice foreclosed.
After that, 20 of the greater companies in Greece gathered in an Association (SEEHT.org) and fought for our right.
First of all, we asked from lawyers to dispute this decision in the Supreme Court of Greece and pause any legal action caused by this decision of EOF until court decides if it is legal or not.
Afterwards, we insisted on our members to be far from drugs: No smoking cessation texts in websites or ads, no pharmaceutical properties to the liquids.
Our aim was to autoregulate the market before having regulated by others having specific "motivations".
In March 2012 we communicated with Toxicology Laboratory of Medical School in University of Thessaly and asked to plan a 3-year Eliquid Analysis Program. They planned all the detailed information, budget needed (750.000 euro) and we started analyzing our eliquids there. Analysis was about percentage of contents up to 0.1%, classification of eliquids according to 1272/2008 EC for chemicals and detection of TSNAs and PAHs.

After first month, we made a press conference announcing that all eliquids analyzed are not harmful for human and do not contain carcinogens such as TSNAs and PAHs.

Eliquids are not drugs. If there is a claim connecting eliquid to cure or help in smoking cessation noone can name it drug. Greek EOF told us that nicotine is a pharmaceutical substance and this is the reason to classificate eliquids in drugs. We bought some tomatoes and pickle and told them that nicotine is there too, so they had to classificate them too as drugs.
Eliquids are not tobacco. No tobacco added in eliquid production. No tobacco origin of solvents or flavours. So, if contents of e-juice classificate it, it has ot be a chemical solution.
Eliquids are chemical solutions havind flavour and nicotine diluted in solvent (VG/PG).

We had to choose our destiny. And chemical classification was the best to avoid problems. We conformed to REACH, 1272/2008 EC and now we are happy to sell legally our goods.

Conclusion: It is better to autoregulate the market by ourselves than to leave tobacco- and drug-companies to manage this with the help of politicians. People learned about our Analysis Program and trusted our juices. Our business got bigger because we had evidence for our eliquids. In greek market there are still some eliquids noname (mainly chinese) but in a few days a new national law is announced for the control of ecig market having great fines for those they do not analyze the eliquids produce/import in Greece. These fines are also for the stores which sell those of "unknown composition" stuff.

P.S. Sorry for the big post but had to tell you the whole story. Maybe helps you out in your efforts. I am very new here but this thread made me start here my posts.
I signed the petition, odd that the number of sigs was only 378 before I signed it, & still only 378 after I signed it.

I have also signed the Hungarian petition

& I'm about to sign the EU petition

I have also posted this to my Google Plus
& I have tweeted it, & I have facebooked it
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