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Photos of vapefest 2016

Right. It's actually only the latter part of @Rob 's speech as @taffi 's phone was being a pain in the ass, but trust me when I say the first part was as stellar as this.

First time I've uploaded anything to YouTube so if someone would be good enough to let me know whether it's worked I'd be greatful [emoji6]

Finally home! Not too bad a time considering I left at 2.30 (there may have been a brief stop at the local)

@moley I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. It would have been great to meet you but I'm glad he's on the mend!
A fantastic weekend with some great people ( even if I am currently rinsing my liver out) couldn't have had a better time full of laughs and mostly full of @3dj hair.

Oh and by the way @city461 you might struggle getting to Stockport any time soon by train as they are havin signalling problems.

I would love to tag everyone in this but after spending two nights in a tent I really can't be arsed.

That's all for now folks, until next year.
Absolutely loving all the photos and stories you are all posting, keep it going :D

@Rob that's one hell of a sweet ride you got going on, the decals are really something else
Right. It's actually only the latter part of @Rob 's speech as @taffi 's phone was being a pain in the ass, but trust me when I say the first part was as stellar as this.

First time I've uploaded anything to YouTube so if someone would be good enough to let me know whether it's worked I'd be greatful [emoji6]

Thanks mate. Played o.k. for me. Glad your both home.safe.
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