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Photos of vapefest 2016

Well what a weekend! Thank you to every one on this forum for making it a truly special weekend for me.

I thoroughly enjoyed meeting everyone, so great not just putting faces to names but also talking to folk in the flesh.

I want to give special mentions to the folk that I saw, but there is just so many, and I'd hate to forget someone off the list.

I regret sitting up drinking til gone 4am Saturday morning, it meant me being in an awful state all day Saturday. (But I enjoyed the drinking![emoji12] And the company I was in.[emoji106])

The 12hrs of driving, getting there and back was a chore, but so worth it.

Hats off to @junglist and @OccultScientist, not just for the fantastic job of getting the potv tent organised (including music, tea, coffee, beer, comfy seats etc etc), but also for everything they do in making this forum such a spectacular second home for us all.

I can't wait, only 363(ish) days. [emoji12]

Here's a few pics, I didn't take enough but got a couple today...

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I just wish your taken a pic of that ice cream you had on Saturday morning. I'd have taken that over a coffee!
Just about to depart Shrewsbury after a fantastic weekend.

Great to meet new apes and the usual suspects. I am not gonna name them all due to an alcohol induced memory loss.

As usual everyone was awesome, except @3dj who was awesome and pissed, and me who was just pissed.

Hope to see you all next year if not before.
Great to meet/catch up with a load of you had a great day Sat -completely broken Sunday got towed to chiropractor still in my caravan lol -still great day though [emoji38]
After a decent nights sleep I have remembered some other people I met so a big pleased to meet you also goes out to @Miss Pepper @junglist @JustDave @Huggett @SirLuggs better half Emma ZT , Toby, Shannon, Carol (not sure of forum names) @Tubbyengineer @tootingyoda the guy who could not remember his forum name. No doubt I have still forgotten someone but suffice to say we had a blast thank you every one, as friendly in real life as you are on the planet. :2thumbsup:
Well, all the photo's are posted, The Rose 3 is setup and full of Lemon Refresher from Bumblebee E-Liquid and comfortably ensconced atop the DX75 - so now it time to do the due diligence.
Many thanks go to @OccultScientist & @junglist for organising the POTV tent, tea, coffee and a place to rest my weary feet. @city461 for his Sterling work with Robs presentation and for riding herd on @3dj, Some mad welsh git and his scouse crony - AKA @Soldier Blue & @HAZZA1962 as well as @bludwin for providing entertainment on Friday evening, @danb for not throwing himself under a train in frustration at the journey he had to get here.
@tobywonkanobi for causing me to spend yet more money. @Rob for just being there and generally being awesome as well as Carol, and Harry who provided a welcome that only someone with a furry butt can do.
Honourable mentions to @tootingyoda, @crunchynut, @TheTartanSpartan, @adjam1972, @joe clay, @Miss Pepper, @SirLugg, @stoobs, @JustDave and any other poor sod whose name I've forgotten due to the fact I'm old, tired and wasn't paying attention to anything other than my headache, sore feet and sadly depleted wallet...

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View attachment 99979 Did I mention it's entirely possible that I might have A; bought too much juice, B; spent too much money and C; bought too much juice...:banghead:
If you have too much juice you aint vaping enough , wish id bought more myself but hey ho theres always next year
Was brilliant at vapefest this year, so chuffed I came up and met you guys
If you have too much juice you aint vaping enough , wish id bought more myself but hey ho theres always next year
Was brilliant at vapefest this year, so chuffed I came up and met you guys
Er, tell that to @MrTeaTime - who gets through upwards of 50ml a day (sometimes in three or four hours) and still says he has too much...:lol1:
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